The death of María Teresa Campos at the age of 82 has shocked the entire society of our country. The presenter was one of the great references in journalism on television and she reaped a successful professional career at the helm of some of the most popular programs in the history of television in Spain.

Her delicate state of health forced her to move away from the media spotlight and television sets. Little information came out about her situation in recent years, but this past Sunday, September 3, the news broke that the journalist had been admitted to the Fundación Jiménez Díaz hospital in Madrid due to acute respiratory failure.

After continuous uncertainty about her state of health, which did not seem to improve, the worst fears were realized and this Tuesday we learned the sad news of the death of the veteran journalist at 82 years of age, surrounded by her family and her closest circle. nearby.

His remains have been transferred to the La Paz funeral home, in Tres Cantos, where a funeral chapel has been installed, so that his family and friends can say goodbye to one of the television legends. Her daughters, Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego, have always been by the journalist’s side and have tried to keep her mother’s condition a secret until the last moment. For this reason, they have been two of the first to arrive at the funeral home and although at her entrance they only wanted to thank her for the support and affection, we have had to wait several hours to hear her first words.

The Telecinco program Así es la vida has broadcast the departure of the sisters and their first statements to the media live. “She has been the teacher of many of you and of many of those who are not here and she would have wanted us to treat you with the love and respect that she has always had for you,” began Terelu Campos.

”First of all we want to thank you all for the love and respect that is being given to a great journalist, which is what my mother has been all her life. A great communicator”, declared Carmen Borrego. ”You have lost one of the great professionals in this country, but we have lost our mother. It has been a very difficult and long road. Unfortunately, it has been a journey of almost a year,” assured Terelu Campos excitedly.

“We have tried to treat him with the greatest respect towards her, knowing that what was happening to her was in the public interest, but that she deserved to have her dignity untouchable, which is why we have always begged the media to preserve her image,” he declared. the eldest daughter of the veteran journalist.

”She has left with the love of her daughters, the love of her three grandchildren, her brothers and surrounded by a lot of love, which was what she has always given us. We have tried to return everything that she has given us,” confessed Carmen Borrego.

”Of her political children, her husband José Carlos, the father of my daughter, Alejandro, who has always been in our life and will always be, and the people who have cared for her for so long and have loved her, like Leo or Gustavo ” Terelu added. Lastly, they wanted to thank the entire medical team of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation for the wonderful treatment they have been given and have confirmed that the journalist will be cremated in the strictest privacy at the La Paz funeral home.