The parliamentary groups of the PSOE, Sumar, ERC, EH Bildu, PNV and the Mixed (BNG) have registered this Wednesday the Proposal for the Reform of the Regulations of Congress that establishes the right of deputies to use any of the official languages ??in all areas of parliamentary activity, including oral interventions and the presentation of writings. Consequently, the Official Gazette of the Cortes Generales will publish the initiatives in the official language in which they have been presented, as well as in Spanish.

It is striking that the Junts group, which had claimed the measure, does not sign the proposal. In this sense, post-convergent sources argue that they are not part of “any block”, nor are they “partners with anyone”. However, they point out that the text registered today is “votable” for their group since it includes the modifications they consider necessary with respect to the text that the PSOE presented last week.

The signatory groups have requested direct processing and a single reading of the reform proposal. The forecast is that the Congress Board, with a majority of the PSOE and Sumar, will qualify the initiative next week and that the plenary session for its debate and approval will be held the following week, for which support is assured.

In this way, as La Vanguardia announced today, the new regulations would already be in force for the investiture session of the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, which will begin on September 26. In fact, the proposal registered today provides that the Congress will have from that session the precise services of translation and interpretation so that oral interventions can be made in any of the official languages ??in any autonomous community.

This modification of the regulation responds to the commitment announced by the president of the Congress, Francina Armengol, on the day of her election, to allow the use of all the official languages ??from that same constitutive session, and it was one of the conditions that Junts and Esquerra set for give their votes to the PSOE and Sumar candidates for the left to take over the presidency and control of the Board of the Lower House.

On the other hand, the reform provides for a period of six months to have the necessary means to process the documents presented in an official language other than Spanish. During this period, the deputies who present their writings in an official language other than Spanish, must accompany the translation in said language.

Likewise, in the Session Log all the interventions and agreements adopted in the plenary sessions, the Permanent Deputation and the Commissions will be reproduced in full, both in the language in which they were pronounced, and in Spanish.

It should be noted that the proposal registered this Wednesday does not list at any time the languages ??that will be allowed in Congress and refers to “languages ??that have official status in any Autonomous Community in accordance with the Constitution and the corresponding Statute of Autonomy.” This avoids any conflict over the use of Valencian and even opens the door to intervening in Aranese (Occitan), given that this language is official in Catalonia.