Special prosecutor David Weiss, appointed to oversee the investigation into Hunter Biden, will try to convince the grand jury to charge the son of the president of the United States. This was explained by the public prosecutor’s office in the judicial documentation delivered this Wednesday.

The exact charges were not immediately clear in those papers. Everything seems, however, that they would be related to the possession of a firearm while he was a drug user. Weiss also investigates Hunter’s business dealings and possible non-payment of taxes, in whose past there are a few dark clouds.

“The speedy trial law requires the government to obtain the return of a grand jury indictment by Friday, September 29, 2023. The government intends to seek the return of that indictment in the case before that date,” the ministry said. public in its writing.

The presentation occurred in the criminal action linked to the failed request for a pre-trial agreement that was linked to the possession of weapons in full use of narcotics and possible tax fraud.

Weiss was appointed by Merrick Garland, US Attorney General (equivalent to Justice Minister), on August 11. The chosen one had already been in charge of the investigation of Hunter Biden, who was nominated by then-President Donald Trump, but required that he be given the position of special prosecutor to have more means and maneuverability in his work.

His request, accepted by Garland, came after the failure of the preliminary ruling agreement linked to the cases on the taxes and the gun, which avoided any prison sentence, once it was presented before the judge, after an intense campaign by the Republican leaders of the extreme right, with the support of the Fox network, which is still in progress to try to link the president, without any evidence, in alleged cases of corruption of his son based on speculation.

This other impulse can generate new charges against the president’s son, who has pleaded not guilty, and his case could be seen in the courts of California or Washington.

Hunter Biden agreed earlier this year to plead guilty to misdemeanor charges for failing to pay income taxes and his possession of a firearm. The agreement included the request for two years in prison on probation for the non-payment of more than 100,000 dollars in taxes generated by income greater than 1.5 million in 2017 and 2018.

But everything fell apart once he appeared before Trump-appointed Delaware judge Maryellen Noreika, who expressed numerous concerns about that pact, which ended up in limbo.

The hard sector of the Republicans, who have control of the lower house, is pressing their leader, the “speaker” Kevin McCarthy, to vote on opening an “impeachment” process or political process against President Biden for the tribulations of his son. Other conservative lawmakers consider it a waste of time. This attempt, with the echo of the revenge of the two “impeachments” raised against Trump (both unsuccessful), coincides with the multiple criminal charges against the former president of the country and the main favorite to win the Republican nomination in the November 2024 elections.