Spain ranks 16th out of 193 countries in terms of sustainable development, according to the 2022 Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Report, which is based on the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). . Our country has advanced four places compared to the 2021 ranking. Last year almost 80% of large Spanish companies increased their investment in sustainability, according to a Deloitte report in which business managers from 24 countries participated, including Spain .

Due to its central role in the economy of the future, sustainability will be one of the topics of greatest interest in the fourth edition of the Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW), a disruptive event organized by the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB). at the DFactory Barcelona from October 2 to 5. BNEW will bring together 500 speakers who will offer up to 140 hours. of content distributed in 100 panels, sessions and debates to share knowledge and establish synergies that contribute to the progress of Industry 4.0 and the new economy. This event will have 400 participating companies and a forecast of more than 12,000 attendees from 70 countries. The speakers and participating companies are being announced on the BNEW Twitter and LinkedIn profiles.

This successful hybrid format -face-to-face and online- encompasses seven verticals fully involved in this global transformation: Sustainability, Health, Proptech, Digital Industry, Mobility, Talent and Experience. These panels have been expressly selected, adapting to the most current trends and exploring multiple aspects related to the new opportunities and the dizzying economic and technological transformations that we are experiencing.

At BNEW Sustainability, the participants will propose sustainable solutions so that private companies and public organizations can implement changes and innovate to contribute to achieving the SDGs. Some of the topics that will be addressed will be: the industry revolution and sustainable fashion, dealing with how waste is managed and new fabrics are produced; the importance of decarbonization; sustainable financing and business partnerships to drive sustainability; the promotion of renewable energies; the circular economy as a vehicle for the transformation of the production and consumption model; sustainable water management to improve quality of life; the progress of society towards a sustainable diet; or how the cities of tomorrow should be conceived to be more sustainable and habitable.

Pere Navarro, special delegate of the State in the CZFB has highlighted that “as the driving force of the new economy, the CZFB wants to give special importance to all aspects related to sustainability. There are multiple innovations that will allow us to make a qualitative leap to be more efficient and sustainable, and we must get companies around the world to invest in sustainability because their commitment will be vital to making the United Nations SDGs a reality. The BNEW must be a catalyst for Industry 4.0 to be an example of sustainability”. BNEW Sustainability is sponsored by BEarth de Ibercaja. As Myriam Santos-Morán Torrens, territorial director of Ibercaja in the Mediterranean Arc, explains, “sustainability is for us a commitment that originates in the Board of Directors and is deployed throughout the organization. Within the framework of the 2023 Challenge Plan, the bank’s strategic roadmap, we are advancing in its integration in the field of business, the people who are part of the Bank, its customers and society”.

“Since its inception, Ibercaja has had a vocation for social commitment, supporting families and companies. Likewise, it is aware of the challenge posed by the transition towards a sustainable economy with zero net emissions and the fundamental role of the financial sector, redirecting the necessary capital flows towards activities that support this transition”, adds Santos-Morán. This edition will also have vertical programs dedicated to the digital industry, talent, mobility, Proptech and health, in addition to experiential activities that on-site attendees will be able to enjoy.