After five days of intense searches in the Community of Madrid, the Civil Guard has found the bodies of the two missing people in the area of ??the municipality of Aldea del Fresno, one of the most affected by DANA. This would be the sixth and seventh victim left by the rain storm that hit central Spain last weekend, with a special impact on Madrid and Toledo.

The Government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martín, has confirmed that the first is the elderly José Manuel Aguado Truano and the second is the father of the family whose car fell into the river, Manuel López Rey. Both have been found in the bed of the Alberche River.

The first body was found on the right side of the Pedrera bridge, near where the woman of the family whose car was swept away by the flood was found. And the second about 200 meters from the first, about an hour later. Both have been found by divers, who were part of the search device.

The delegation of the Government of Madrid has reported that “the Civil Guard has found a body in Aldea del Fresno.” To which he adds in a small note: “At this time his identification is being carried out.” Both the Government Delegation and the Emeritus body itself are providing information throughout Friday, as soon as the facts have become clearer. Around midday, the organization headed by Francisco Martín confirmed the discovery of the second body and later, after the identification of the bodies, the names were provided.

The Civil Guard and the emergency services had resumed early this Friday the search for the three people who disappeared in Madrid and Toledo last Sunday.

In Madrid they were looking for two men, one 50 years old who fell with his car into the Alberche River while passing through Aldea del Fresno and another 83 years old with Alzheimer’s who was swept away by the flood when he was near his home in the town of Villamanta. The latter is the first whose body was found this Friday.

It is the fifth day of a joint operation by the Civil Guard, the firefighters and the Forestry Brigades of Madrid, in which heavy machinery continued to remove plant remains and earth and the dogs sniffed through the areas that were being liberated.

The missing 50-year-old man was accompanied by his wife and two children, a girl and the 10-year-old boy who was rescued on Monday morning clinging to a tree branch and suffering from hypothermia.

The woman, who was on a small elevation on the ground with a strong current behind her and holding on to two logs, was rescued that same night, while her daughter managed to reach the fire station on her own. at the entrance of the town. The next day she found the family’s 10-year-old son hanging from a tree.

In Toledo, where three people have died due to the storm, a woman who was swept away by the flood while traveling on the CM-4004 highway near the municipality of Valmojado is still missing.

Sources from the Civil Guard have reported that at 8:30 a.m. this Friday the search was resumed with a search from the cut of the road on which the victim was traveling to CM-41, following the course of the stream and its surroundings.

Components of the Valmojado Civil Guard post, the Underwater Specialties Group (GEAS), the Special Mountain Intervention Rescue Group (GREIM), canine handlers, agents of the Toledo citizen security unit, Protection Civilian of Valmojado, environmental agents and the Local Police.