The popular parliamentary group has presented two letters to the Congress Table in which it asks the president of the Lower House, Francina Armengol, to dissolve the ERC and JxCat groups, which it considers a “fraud” contrary to the Regulation, and to integrate to their deputies in the mixed group.

The Popular Party, who opposed the creation of both groups in the Table, where they are in a minority, have sent these letters after the deputies provided by PSOE and Sumar have returned to their own ranks, which Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party considers the evidence of “non-compliance with the requirements to have one’s own group” by ERC and JxCat.

The PP argues that the loan of four PSOE deputies to Junts and two from Sumar to ERC so that they met the requirement of exceeding the threshold of 15% of support in all the constituencies where they ran – they did not reach it in Girona and Tarragona – It is an “undoubted fraud of law” because “its transfer is not aimed at exceeding a certain number of deputies, but rather at a voting threshold that is lacking.”

“These deputies have already requested their return to the PSOE and Sumar, which, in addition to evidencing the legal fraud perpetrated, causes the cessation of compliance with said requirements,” the PP also pointed out in a statement sent to the media, in the which also maintains that this practice is a fraud according to the regulations of Congress itself and according to the jurisprudence of the TS and the TC.

The popular group has also denounced that the Board also established “that 15% of the necessary support in each province would be based on the total resulting from all the provinces where the group is present,” which they also consider contrary to the norm.

For all these reasons, the PP asks that the Congress Board integrate the deputies of Junts and ERC into the mixed group to “reestablish the fundamental rights of the rest of the deputies” that they see “violated”, as well as that of citizens “to representation politics and the principle of equality”.

The Congress Table, where PSOE and Sumar have a majority, constituted the parliamentary groups once the lawyers’ report was known, which included a history of similar decisions and where it was not determined whether in this case the transfer complied with the norm, since it is the governing body of the Chamber that must take a position.

The group constitution entails greater intervention time in parliamentary debates and also a subsidy of 30,346.72 euros per month, and a variable of 1,746.16 euros per month for each deputy. For this reason, the PP has accused PSOE and Sumar of financing the Catalan independence movement with public money.

In the Senate, the constitution of the parliamentary groups that depend on the loan of PSOE senators – those of the PNV, JxCat and the left – is frozen pending a legal report, commissioned by the Upper House Table, where the PP has an absolute majority.