* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

The rapeseed spring seems eternal, judging by the appearance of the rapeseed fields in Tornabous, in the Urgell region.

The photographs in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos show the beauty of rapeseed crops, despite the persistent drought that has hit the lands of Lleida for months.

And rapeseed can be grown in quite cold climates and also in areas that are not excessively rainy. In Mediterranean-influenced climates it is planted in early autumn while in continental climates it is planted in spring.

Rapeseed can be profitable and there are more and more extensions in the Catalan regions of this crop that is used to produce fodder and biodiesel.

Nowadays, in addition, the mechanization of work in the field has made the process of harvesting rapeseed faster and more productive.