The Civil Guard has arrested the Catalan rapper Cyril Kamer at Malaga Airport for an alleged crime of robbery with violence.

Sources from the Civil Guard have confirmed to EFE that the arrest has occurred by virtue of an open investigation by the Mossos d’Esquadra, as reported by the newspaper ABC this Saturday.

On his TikTok account, @ayoubelk3, there is a short video posted in which you can see the rapper handcuffed and escorted by the Civil Guard. The video is accompanied by a text, apparently from his manager, stating that his client is accused of a crime of which he “is innocent.” He also appreciates the support from the singer’s followers, who have created the hashtag

The singer, born in the Besós neighborhood and of Cameroonian origin, has more than a million monthly views on platforms. This summer he has participated in several musical events.

The arrest occurred when Kamer was returning from one of his concerts.