Two new cayucos have been escorted to port this Saturday in the Canary Islands, one to Los Cristianos (Tenerife), with 66 people on board, including nine minors, and another to La Restinga (El Hierro), with 36 migrants, according to reports. to EFE sources of emergency teams.

These two boats bring to 176 the number of migrants, all sub-Saharan and in apparent good health, arriving in the Canary Islands this Saturday after another cayuco with 74 people was located four miles south of Tenerife early in the night.

Regarding the two new escorted boats, Maritime Rescue sources have reported that the warning about the second cayuco escorted to Los Cristianos today occurred at 11 in the morning, when the Civil Guard communicated an echo radar to the Maritime Rescue center in Tenerife 10 miles southwest of Punta Rasca.

In this way, after mobilizing the Alpheratz rescuer, Salvamento located the canoe and escorted it to the port of Los Cristianos, where they arrived under their own means.

In the case of the boat that managed to reach El Hierro, the alert was received around 12 noon, with the sighting of a canoe in the vicinity of Tacorón, near the coast of the meridian island.

Once the Adhara rescue boat was mobilized, the sighting was confirmed and the canoe was escorted to the port of La Restinga, where they were treated by emergency teams.