Almost nine months have passed since Dani Alves was arrested for allegedly raping a 23-year-old girl in Sutton, a renowned nightclub in Barcelona. The events occurred at the end of last December, and following the victim’s complaint, the former Barcelona Football Club player was arrested on January 20. This case created a strong media stir, and also caused the soccer player’s wife, Joana Sanz, to end their relationship. However, the problems for the footballer are accumulating, since this week the statue in honor of the player in the Brazilian town of Juazeiro, in Bahia (Brazil), was vandalized.

The problems are growing for Dani Alves, former Barcelona Football Club player. In the last few hours, the sculpture made to honor Alves in his hometown woke up with its head covered by a garbage bag, and also covered in adhesive tape. The events have outraged the athlete’s family. “I’m just stopping by to remind you that my brother is awaiting trial. The question is: what if he proves his innocence? If he is acquitted? How will we do it?” His brother, Ney Alves, expressed through social networks. .

After the events, it seems that now even the fans turn their backs on the athlete. The accusation and the public reaction to the vandalized statue reflect the seriousness of the situation facing Dani Alves. The footballer is in the middle of a legal process, and the media closely follows all the news that may arise around this case.

Regarding his personal life, the former Barcelona Football Club player has suffered a strong setback. After the complaint was made public, his wife, the Canarian model Joana Sanz, decided to end their relationship, after more than six years of marriage. The influencer assured a few months ago that, “despite the damage he has caused me, I am still here by his side. I continue and will continue to be, but in a different way.” This is how he announced the end of his relationship with the Brazilian after the events occurred during the night of December 30, 2022 in Sutton.

In recent days, new information about Alves’ love life has come to light. After many months without commenting on her ex-partner and the relationship they lived in, the Canarian model shared a publication on her Instagram account that left her followers in shock. The post was made up of two parts: a video of Rauw Alejandro’s concert and a handwritten letter that Alves had supposedly sent him from prison. ”Everyone knows, everyone knows, everyone knows, everyone knows, they know, they know shit,” she from Tenerife wrote as the title of the publication.

“Thank you for your resistance, thank you for your resilience, thank you for not giving up on me (…) everything will pass and we will become strong together. It is incredible that I still have butterflies when I go to see you, it is incredible that I feel so much love for you afterwards for so long… but even more incredible is knowing that you are there to correspond to all that. Whatever, wherever, whatever. But always with you. I love you forever,” the letter said. This has caused a stir among his fans, since they do not know where his relationship with the Brazilian is. Precisely Alves now has to face the discontent of his followers, as can be seen in his statue.