On September 13, Programmer’s Day is celebrated around the world in honor of Russian developer Valentin Balt’s proposal that day 256 of our calendar be dedicated to these professionals, who are more sought after than ever in the digital age in the one we live.

Eva Tarín, computer consultant and web development, trainer and CEO of Informática de Cabeza explains to us why programming is so important today: “In this era in which we all carry a computer in our pocket (and increasingly, many on the wrist) generating applications and content has become essential,” he says.

“Without apps, web pages and others, electronic devices are useless, since behind all the functionalities they offer us there is a programmer or a team of programmers. Without them we would only have very expensive bricks. This is why professions such as programmer, web developer or video game designer have been booming for years and are gaining important relevance,” highlights the expert.

“They are necessary to be able to take advantage of new technologies. The arrival of the Internet accelerated everything, since we have access to a huge amount of information that must be channeled to the end user through applications, websites and programs. This would be impossible without the work of the developers, who are in charge of generating them,” he adds.

The situation in Spain for programmers is not always as ideal as it might seem, despite the fact that they are so necessary: ??“I don’t think there is a lack of programmer profiles in Spain, rather I think that they are not being adequately valued. There are many and very good developers, but there are not so many companies that appreciate talent and know how to maintain it,” says Eva Tarín.

On the other hand, he explains that “teleworking has allowed many developers to work remotely and access positions beyond the area in which they live”, since “now you can reside in a town in Valladolid and work for clients who are in Any part of the world”. This means that “many professionals prefer this freedom to being tied to a single company where they have to sign in every day.”

However, the consultant is clear about a problem identified in Spain: “The current educational system is turning its back on technology. It is true that many classrooms incorporate digital screens, however, they are not used appropriately. Young people are users of technology, but there is little training in general on these topics,” she laments.

“This is the basis, both for the generations that join the labor market and for the professionals who are already in it, but need to update and train in new technologies,” says the expert.

Regarding what a programmer needs to know today, Eva Tarín considers that there are certain languages ??and outstanding knowledge: “Everything that has to do with the Internet is in high demand. The full stack profile is one of the most requested, because a single person covers the development part that corresponds to both the visible and internal aspects of the application or website, although specialized professionals are also valued, ”she explains.

In general, Tarín states that “the demand is high and that is why there is room for all profiles” of programmers: “You must master one or more programming languages ??such as Python, Java, or C

He also adds that “the profile of implementer in WordPress and web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript are also in high demand. Having knowledge of databases is essential”, so “things related to the creation of web pages and the development of mobile applications are in demand”.

“Having knowledge of design and, above all, usability is increasingly important when developing a quality product. Knowing how to use graphic tools and layout designers is a good complement,” highlights the computer expert.

Regarding the situation of women in programming, Eva Tarín believes that there is still much to do: “As in almost all technical jobs, there is usually a female minority. It is true that there are more and more women developers who have a high level, but the fight has barely begun,” she says.

“Gender inequality and condescending treatment mean that women in this sector have to constantly fight to have our value recognized. Just look at the salary differences, there is still a lot to do. Fortunately, there are more and more women who opt for technological professions and little by little these differences are equalizing,” explains the specialist.

Programming is a highly in-demand area of ??computing with a future of infinite possibilities, so resorting to adequate training is essential to have attractive options in the labor market that are easy to access.

The Master (Bootcamp) in Programming (Full Stack Development) is designed with the “Role-Playing” methodology, where a real scenario is simulated in which participants become a technological development team with the objective of building a web application throughout the entire program.

With the Master in Video Game Programming you will be able to grow in an exciting world in which large development companies need high-level professionals to work in video game development. From the software to the work processes and the projects in which you will join other industry professionals, everything in this program applies real business dynamics.

The Expert Diploma in Python Programming for Data and Web Science offers you complete training in the field of programming, starting from the most basic fundamentals to the most in-demand specializations.