In the midst of the storm, with open fronts in the national team and a strike in League F, Aitana Bonmatí took a mass bath in her native Sant Pere de Ribes. The FC Barcelona player received a warm tribute after becoming world champion with Spain and winning the League and Champions League with the Blaugrana team. A recognition that began with a reception at City Hall and ended with a ceremony in which the CD Ribes soccer field was named ‘Aitana Bonmatí Conca Soccer Camp’.

The Catalan midfielder is closely linked to her town, where she still resides and where she likes to spend the little free time she has left. “It is a pride to carry the name of Ribes around the world,” she said. She has never been a lover of big parties or luxuries and prefers to enjoy everyday pleasures such as evenings with her lifelong friends and her family.

“I always want to feel at home, that’s why I continue living here, because living in Ribes is ‘home’, you go out and meet your friends… This is my home and it always will be. Sharing this with you is very special, you always make me feel very good,” she said excitedly when she was received by the town’s mayor, Abigail Garrido, who referred to the values ??that Aitana preaches, and the time she dedicates to caring for all the children. and girls from the town.

Surrounded by hundreds of boys and girls who came to see her idol, the Blaugrana greeted them from the balcony of the town hall and dedicated some nice words to them: “I hope to be a great reference for all of you, boys and girls, men and women.” A nice tribute to a soccer player who is living her best moment. To the titles won with Barça and with her national team we must add the countless individual recognitions that she has won in recent months. She has been chosen as the best player in the Champions League and the World Cup and two weeks ago she received The Best, which accredits her as the best soccer player in Europe. The finishing touch will come to her on October 30 in Paris, where she is the main favorite to win the Ballon d’Or. “There have been many successes this year and in recent times. “It has been a long road I have traveled, but I still have a long way to go,” she warned.