There has been no forgiveness for Carlitos the deer. The eight-year-old deer with fourteen-pointed antlers, which residents of Linarejos (Zamora) had fed since childhood and had requested a pardon so that it would not be hunted in a campaign that garnered more than 54,000 support through the Internet, has been shot down. finally just one week after the initiative, according to what the neighbors themselves have reported to Efe.

The corpse of the deer has appeared without one of its hind legs, without its antlers and without part of its head in the area of ??Ramisqueo, near the urban center of that village of ten residents of the Sierra de la Culebra de Zamora, near Portugal. Linarejos neighbor Pilar Devesa confirms to the agency.

The shooting of the deer took place on Tuesday afternoon, when only one week had passed since the neighborhood initiative so that the deer would not be hunted due to the affection that the town’s residents had for it, who identified it so much by a large mark that It had on its hind leg, which has been cut off, like others.

Devesa has indicated that she is sure that the killed deer is Carlitos, since, although it was missing that leg, they have observed other marks on one ear by which in Linarejos they also knew that it was that specimen and not another one that visited them. and the one who wanted to save his life.

The body appeared after neighbors observed this Tuesday afternoon that two Environment vehicles from the Regional Government of Castilla y León were approaching that area, as they do when they accompany hunters with permits to shoot big game in the reserve. of the Sierra de la Culebra.

This neighbor assures that the mutilation of the leg was intended to prevent the specimen from being recognized and has regretted that the deer was killed hours after Ecologistas en Acción presented a letter to the Junta de Castilla y León to request that the deer be pardoned. deer and the hunting of that animal was suspended during the rutting season like the current one.

The coordinator of Ecologists in Action of Zamora and resident of Manzanal de Arriba, the municipality to which Linarejos belongs, Julio Fernández, has regretted that Carlitos has been killed after the mobilization that has taken place throughout Spain to save his life and when there are other many areas in the Sierra de la Culebra to kill deer and comply with the hunting permits granted.

Fernández has called the way in which he was killed “cruel.” Furthermore, the person in charge has requested that deer hunting be suspended during the rutting season, since it occurs in circumstances in which the animals have no chance of being saved, since they are lured with straw so that the females arrive first and Behind them are the males that are shot down not far away.