Alejandra Rubio has been one of the most talked about figures surrounding the death of her grandmother, María Teresa Campos. The young journalist and collaborator of different Mediaset programs was criticized for the management of her loss after returning to work two days later and publishing a video dancing in the rain. Her response has been to defend herself, getting rid of the criticism and slowly returning to normality in all areas.

The influencer has followed in her footsteps to return to routine by attending a fashion show in Madrid. The Basque firm SKFK has displayed its entire catalog of sustainable fibers during Fashion Week in the Spanish capital, and the collaborator has been a direct witness. Surprisingly, she has been seen accompanied by a person with whom she has not been related for a long time: her ex-partner Carlos Agüera, with whom she officially broke up at the beginning of the year.

Alejandra and Carlos have been photographed at different moments of the show, commenting on the models’ movements and smiling at each other. Several media specialized in the world of the heart have highlighted this last detail, suggesting that both maintain a friendly relationship despite their breakup. Another fact that publications like Lecturas have wanted to highlight has been the possibility that Rubio relies on Agüera to overcome mourning.

The young man from Malaga was also one of those attending the funeral of María Teresa Campos, this past Monday. There, the entire family said goodbye for the last time to the “Queen of the Mornings” after completing half a century of career in television and radio. “No one returns to the place from which, in reality, they never left. In this part of the trip, our mother joins, perhaps, that curve of memory in which, suddenly, life places you in front of a mirror through which memories pass,” explained Terelu Campos.

Returning to Alejandra Rubio, the granddaughter of the missing presenter appeared this past Tuesday on Así es la vida to respond to the criticism received for her way of dealing with mourning. “I have not starred in any cover giving any exclusive about anything. In the end we are a public family and it was my turn, so to speak,” she explained, resigned. The well-known television figure also responded to all the criticism in a statement published on Instagram.

“I don’t usually get involved in anything and even less pay attention to empty people who only seek their moment of glory on television at the expense of disrespecting others… Yes, I’m working after my grandmother died, exactly the same as anyone else. human. I carry my grief and my pain as best I can, not how you want me to,” she explained.