The media war between Ana Obregón and Antonia Dell’Atte seems to be far from over. It is no secret that the actress and the former Italian model have never had a cordial relationship. For decades they have proven to have an unquestionable enmity, due to her romance with Alessando Lequio. But the intensity increased in 2022 when the Italian decided to file a complaint for a crime of slander against Ana Obregón.

And the presenter assured that the model had falsified the complaint of abuse that she filed against the father of her son Clemente, Alesaandro Lequio. ”I have seen with my own eyes the scientific police report that concludes that the complaint of mistreatment presented by this lady has been falsified,” she wrote on her Instagram profile.

”It’s been 30 years with the same story, 30 years of enduring insults and lies from the same person without ever having answered because my education doesn’t allow it. “He goes to the circus again adding more pain to pain,” added the biologist.

At the moment it was known that the Court of Instruction number 3 of Barcelona had admitted it for processing. But now we have been able to find out, thanks to an interview with Semana magazine, how the process is progressing. The Italian wanted to show off her discretion and she only limited herself to giving small previews of what will come to light soon. ”The truth always triumphs.” “There is little left to know the truth,” she declared. But despite her war, the Italian woman wanted to convey a conciliatory message. ”I have forgiven all people, everything is forgiven…everything good,” he confessed.

A phrase that can be related to what he said months ago, when he wanted to calm the waters with his archenemy. ”The past no longer exists, the future exists for a good life. Everything behind,’ she declared. Furthermore, the two merged in a hug in the Masterchef kitchens in 2019 and that undoubtedly became a historic moment on the small screen.

But although for the moment both celebrities have buried the hatchet, the truth is that the resolution of the judicial process is still pending, because Obregón had to testify in 2022, because the judge in charge of the case considered that there was sufficient evidence. to investigate whether Obregón committed any crime with those statements on his social networks.