What is vital energy?

Our vibration level. We are electromagnetic beings, that is, we release and absorb energy, and vital energy is the tone of that vibration.

The tone?

If you have a high, positive and optimistic vital energy, whatever the energy you receive, you are able to transform it into something positive. If you have it low you will be affected by what happens around you.

Are we radiant beings?

Yes, but we are not aware that we merge on an energetic level with what happens to us.

Does the vibration of our electrons generate a magnetic field?

That’s how it is. When neurons talk to each other, they emit electrical impulses. This sum of impulses forms brain waves and the levels of that brain energy are what determine whether you are relaxed or anxious.

And that’s what he dedicates himself to.

To work with that electricity to teach the brain to go to the appropriate states. There is a specific energy associated with concentration, another with sleep or stress, and we can train the brain to go to that specific frequency.

Does the brain only understand opposites?

Yes, duty and pleasure, love and hate… The brain is programmed to find homeostasis, which is the balance between two extremes. You have to teach him to find it.

Does energy also emanate from the heart?

Yes, and it is 50 times greater than that emanating from the brain. The electromagnetic field is something that can be measured. And that energy of the heart has consequences.

What type?

If you transmit a negative feeling you are affecting the person in front of you. That’s why sometimes you’re with people who make you feel good and sometimes you’re with people who make you feel exhausted.

Is the power of love science?

Love is what makes us survive as a species, it is an absolute force on a physiological and cerebral scale. There are two great forces: love and fear.

Bad thing, fear.

We need our brain to feel fear to protect us, but also to feel love to excite us, to give us that boost of energy. So if you want to raise your vital energy, you have to create more love, towards yourself and towards others.

How is it done?

Talking to yourself well, being aware of the good things you have, and if you don’t know it, ask around: “What do you like about me?” And we must do gratuitous acts of love so that our heart generates more electromagnetism.

How is energy worked?

Using the body and thoughts to change energetic states causes you to change emotional states.

For example?

If you are sad, use open postures and look for images of lightness, dance, talk to others, walk lightly… This is how we affect energy and moods.

What do we do with fear?

There are two great fears: fear of not being enough and fear of not being loved, and that is the basis of stress. Fear is a mental product that comes in the form of thoughts and physical symptoms.

How is it disassembled?

With specific objectives, telling your brain that there is nothing to fear and visualizing that what scares you will end well, this is how you alter your frequency waves.

How do we tame anxiety?

It’s the brain’s way of saying that it has been scared to death for a long time. We have to understand that it is a product of the mind, we must not believe it and we must divert the focus of attention.

Is anxiety an accumulation of stress?

Yes, and it ends up traversing a neural path that takes you there. The brain must be taught another neural pathway.

Emotions invade us.

They come from our unconscious. We are all an emotional roller coaster, but we have to pay attention to what emotion resides in us and, if it is harmful, change it, because emotional states determine how we live. The quality of your life depends on where you focus your attention.

Don’t say pautas para entrenarme.

Reserve, no matter how busy you are, moments of pleasure each day to show your brain that it can give you rest and pleasure even if you are surrounded by demands.

I will strive.

Better than not, the brain works with a balance between duty and pleasure. It expands when we enjoy and get excited. The good is born from hard-working brains, but the brilliant is born from free brains.