Phrases such as “kill police, not animals” or “hunt politicians, not hares” are a small sample of the more than 100 graffiti made in recent weeks by a 19-year-old girl from Teruel who has been detained by the National Police for alleged author of two crimes of hate and damage.

The arrested woman painted these graffiti with slogans that incited hatred towards different groups both on real estate and on the city’s street furniture. In total, it is estimated that it has caused damage worth an estimated value of around 6,000 euros.

Among the ‘niceties’ that he left written, there were also messages similar to the previous ones such as “kill politicians, not animals” or “like rich people, not animals”, as stated in a statement sent by the agents.

After their actions were reported by the Teruel City Council to the National Police, an investigation was initiated during which it was possible to determine who was the author of the graffiti, who did not hesitate to publish photographs in which her graffiti appeared on different social networks. .

The Investigative Court of Guardia de Teruel was informed of the arrest, investigations and proceedings carried out.