The Valencian PP continues to heal the wounds that once opened when the former mayor of Valencia Rita Barberá was removed from the party due to her judicial accusation, shortly before dying in a hotel in Madrid.

The Social Welfare, Education, Culture and Sports Commission will vote next week on the series of proposals for honors and distinctions to different people and entities linked to the city that have been presented by the political groups that make up the municipal corporation.

Among the proposals is the appointment as Honorary Mayor, posthumously, of Rita Barberá, for “taking the city to levels of international relevance and urban well-being not known before or after her mandate.”

It is the previous step for the plenary session of the Valencia City Council to recognize “the special merits, noted benefits, extraordinary services, valuable work and unique contributions provided to the city” of the personalities and entities finally proposed, as recognized by the Municipal Honors Regulations. and Distinctions.

It is not the first gesture that the PP of Valencia has made with the former mayor to try to recover and value her figure. It is worth remembering that, at the proposal of the Local Government Board, the Valencia City Council will proceed to change the current name of the Puente de las Flores to ‘Puente de las Flores-Rita Barberá’. This is a recognition, permitted by municipal regulations, to which she was mayor of the city between July 5, 1991 and June 13, 2015.

Other distinctions

Likewise, the entities candidates for the City Medal, in their different categories, are the following: Orquesta de València (Gold), Firefighters without Borders (Silver) and Bombers pel Món (Bronze). The musical formation, created in 1943 under the direction of Joan Lamote de Grignon, is recognized for its role “in the promotion of Valencian music, its international prestige, and its contribution to cultural life”, among other reasons.”

The Gold Medal of the City of Valencia is an insignia created by the City Council on July 17, 1929. The two rescue and extinction organizations are awarded for their extremely important work in humanitarian emergency situations around the world.