José María Aznar has confirmed himself in each and every one of the words he spoke last Monday, at the inauguration of the FAES Campus, when he denounced an attempt to end the 1978 Constitution and the Spanish nation and called for civic and e-mobilization. institutional to demonstrate against the amnesty and a hypothetical self-determination referendum.

He did so in an interview on Cadena Cope, in which he harshly rejected the accusations of “coup plotting” and of fomenting an uprising or rebellion, which were launched at him by the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, and the minister spokesperson. , Isabel Rodríguez. He considers them “typical of an autocracy”, which the Executive intends to bring to Spain, “an autocracy in which anyone who is not with it is an anti-Spanish, a fascist or a coup plotter.”

However, he does not want to focus on that “I even laugh, or I feel sorry for him”, because they are “such crude and foolish accusations” that no one with good will can believe them, and that is why he asks “what moral or ethical level They may have people who, knowing that what they say has not been appealed to (in reference to the rebellion), say what they say.

Of course, he emphasizes that he does not want to focus on that, “I’m not going to waste my time on that,” because what these insults are intended to do is “divert attention” and he does not intend to contribute to “people talking about it and not talk about what is happening, because “what is being debated is whether there is going to be an amnesty and self-determination consultations, and the rest is not relevant.”

For the former president of the Government “the amnesty is an invitation to the separatists to do it again” – in reference to a new process and a new declaration of independence -, an invitation, he stressed, to someone “who has already said that he would do it again “, and if they do it again, he stated “nothing would happen, they would be amnesty again, and that’s it. If they have been amnestied once, why not another time.”

That is why he insists on calling for a citizen mobilization of Spaniards, because what is happening affects the majority of Spaniards, who want the Constitution to continue being the pillar of coexistence in Spain, and to ensure the continuity of the Spanish nation. . And he believes that this mobilization must take place, because he sees Pedro Sánchez capable of giving in on these issues before the independentists, because “Sánchez is not a captive of separatism, he is an accomplice” since the acting president of the Government “could choose other partners, that for them they are coup plotters, but they don’t do it, they prefer to agree with those who have staged a coup.

Aznar considers that it is no longer a “question of legality”, although he considers that both the amnesty and the self-determination referendum do not fit in the Constitution, but rather a “political question”, because the aim is to “exculpate and cleanse the coup plotters “and agree” with convicted persons or fugitives from justice to put an end to the pillars of the Spanish political system.

José María Aznar claims to agree with Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra in their approaches, although he says he has not spoken with them recently. But since he is convinced that it is not that Sánchez has no choice but to agree with the independentists, but that he wants to do so, he is also convinced that if the coalition that the acting president of the Government wants is formed “with Bildu, Junts and ERC” , this “coalition of losers” does not have to be ungovernable” since the interests of all those who are part of it have “a very clear and coincident interest,” which is to be in and pay the price of the coalition, which we already know which is, the amnesty and the self-determination referendum, in addition to standing and destroying everyone who dissents.”

The PP announced this Wednesday that on September 24 it will call a public event in Madrid so that Spaniards can speak out against the amnesty that Pedro Sánchez is supposedly negotiating with Junts. This event will be on the eve of Feijóo’s attempted investiture.

José María Aznar claims not to know what the event called by the PP on the 24th consists of, although he makes it clear that “wherever the PP asks me to go, for this, I will be there”, and laughs at those who claim that he is the one who marks it. the move to the current president of the PP, “looking for loopholes in my relationship with Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and when they don’t find them, they invent them.”

The former president emphasizes that “I do not call any demonstration or any rally. The PP makes its decisions and this seems to have been made a long time ago and it seems very good to me” because “appealing to civic energy and citizen energy”, when there is “a certain existential risk of the historical continuity of Spain, seems very good to me”.