This September, TecnoCampus has collaborated in the “i-Talent” Summer Campus, an initiative aimed at young people with intellectual disabilities who are unemployed. The project is led by the Fundació El Maresme and has the collaboration of the HUBT-TecnoCampus and the Entramat Association and financing from the ONCE Foundation and the European Social Fund.

Thanks to this project, 30 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 have been able to participate in a summer school in which learning, coexistence and inclusion have been combined, with the aim of improving their autonomy and job prospects.

The beneficiaries of this initiative are, specifically, young people with intellectual disabilities who are unemployed and registered in the National Youth Guarantee System. The “i-Talent” Summer Campus has been designed as an enriching experience that complements the annual “i-Talent” university specialization course. A course promoted by TecnoCampus, with the support of the Maresme Foundation, which this September begins its third edition

As the campus coordinator, Ismael Hernández, explains, it is a kind of “summer school adapted to young people with intellectual disabilities where the experiential part is combined with academic training.” For 10 days, the young people stayed in a camp house located in Maresme, where they enjoyed sports, cultural and leisure activities, while they worked on their social and competency skills with the aim of improving their autonomy and increasing their job opportunities. .

Hernández explains that different dynamics have been carried out adapted to these young people, with the aim that they “see the relationship between having a university education and its application to a real case.” “It was about these young people understanding the complexity of carrying out a project, which especially involves talking to people, but also technical aspects, budgeting, purchasing, etc.” During the campus, participants have attended different training courses in subjects such as cooking, Photoshop, communication, project management and others, taught by TecnoCampus professors. The project culminated with the celebration of a party organized by the young people.

This Campus is one of the fifteen developed in Spain, which are part of the UniDiversidad program of the ONCE Foundation, financed by the European Social Fund.

Fundació El Maresme has been the driving force behind this campus and has counted as an academic partner the TecnoCampus HUB4T permanent training center and the TecnoCampus Social Economy Chair. The Entramat Association has been a key player in the aspect of leisure and in the personalized accompaniment of the participants.

This is the first time that this type of initiatives have been organized throughout the Spanish State. The collaboration between 22 universities and 22 third sector entities has been fundamental to achieve this milestone, which marks a firm step in promoting the inclusion and autonomy of young people in vulnerable situations, with the ultimate objective of improving their prospects for integration. labor.