In the idyllic village of Lier, in Sarria, an exceptional ox has been raised that could soon hold the weight record in Spain with its astonishing 2,300 kilograms.

This impressive specimen has attracted the attention of hotel businessmen from Hong Kong, who traveled to this quiet village to acquire it. So, next week, this colossal animal will leave for Asian lands, where it will be destined for several Chinese restaurants, while a part of it will also have a prominent place at the Río Sil grill in Carballo. This unique case reflects the growing interest, both local and international, in quality products from the Galician region.

The breeder behind this bovine feat is Manuel Valiña, who noticed from an early age that this ox, which he baptized Marelo, had an enormous size. In addition to its large wingspan, Marelo’s coat is unusual, following the tradition of the unmodified Galician blonde. Valiña decided, from an early age, to raise Marelo with the idea of ??increasing his size. This included a special diet, in which he received a diet of high-quality corn and barley, plus green grass daily. The animal was raised in an environment that allowed it to move freely through meadows, avoiding contact with hard surfaces that could harm it.

Valiña’s dedication and focus on Marelo’s nutrition had a surprising impact, leading the ox to reach a staggering 2,300 kilograms at its current weight. This weight could break all previous records, and has been considered for inclusion in the Guinness Book, although the deadline to do so coincided with the date of sale. However, it is believed that Marelo will be the largest specimen of Galician blonde in Spain.

However, the most notable thing about Marelo is its exceptional quality of meat, which has sparked the interest of a restaurant chain in Hong Kong. When chain representatives visited Lier and saw the animal in person, they were amazed by its dimensions and exceptional genetics. As a result, they agreed to buy Marelo for a final price that will be around 30,000 euros.

The rush for the sale is partly because the businessmen want to showcase Marelo at an upcoming meat show to be held in Hong Kong. This restaurant chain has 12 establishments, six of which specialize in meat, which makes this gigantic beef a high-value acquisition for your business.

Although Galician meat is gaining popularity around the world, purchases of this type by oriental businessmen are exceptional, as is the animal itself. Ángel Rodríguez, the dealer in charge of Marelo, points out that these exceptional animals must meet a series of conditions to attract the attention of buyers, size being one of the most important factors.

Rodríguez, from Monforte de Lemos, highlights the importance of part of the sale of this exceptional Sarria ox remaining in Galicia. The Río Sil de Carballo restaurant, specialized in meat, has secured a part of this gigantic ox to support local producers, which reinforces the commitment to the community and the quality of Galician products.