San Sebastian began its European Mobility Week this Friday, which will feature various activities and will end on September 22 with the traditional bicycle ride, Bizikletada.

The San Sebastian Mobility councillor, Olatz Yarza, presented this Friday the programmed activities that are “aligned with the commitment we have from the Donostia City Council to move towards a more sustainable, healthy and safe mobility paradigm, putting pedestrians in the middle”.

Under the motto ‘Combine and Move!’, the central theme of this annual event is “energy efficiency, around which a dozen initiatives will be carried out coordinated by the Department of Mobility with the aim of promoting and promoting the sustainable transportation among citizens,” he explained.

The mayor has indicated that “the use of new technologies applied to mobility, the reclamation of public space for pedestrians or raising awareness about the most vulnerable groups” will be some of the axes of a program that will integrate innovative activities with others. traditional ones like the popular Bizikletada that will close the week.

Parking Day has been organized for this Friday, a global trend that seeks to reclaim more public space for people by reducing space for private vehicles. Throughout the day, various entities will carry out activities in parking spaces in different neighborhoods, including everything from the distribution of information on environmental actions in the city to a concert by the School of Music and Dance .

On Saturday from eleven in the morning to one in the afternoon, the Kalapie association will place a stand on the Sagües esplanade to make a total of seven cargo bicycles available to citizens so they can try them out. On Sunday at 10:00 a.m., also led by Kalapie, there will be a bicycle outing under the motto ‘Take the step and switch to cycling!’.

Next Tuesday there will be a presentation to the city’s schools of the School Mobility Action Plan designed by the Department of Mobility, a document that can serve as a compass in the process of implementing their own action plans and whose objective is to improve the mobility conditions of children on their daily trips to school. The presentation will take place at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall.

On Wednesday the 20th, the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) will present the launch of a study on urban spaces and women’s mobility in San Sebastián. To carry out this study, led by doctoral student Carlota Jauregi and which will be carried out throughout September and October, a mobile application has been designed through which women who wish to do so can participate, reporting their perceptions in those places in the cities through which they pass, assessing whether the parameters they observe convey security to them. The presentation will take place at 10:30 a.m. at the UPV-EHU Campus in Ibaeta and at 5:30 p.m. at the Women’s House on Okendo Street.

On Thursday the 21st it will be the turn of activities aimed at the mobility of people with functional diversity, with a blind mobility circuit and with virtual reality glasses organized by the entities ONCE and Begisare. Starting at 11:00 a.m. in the surroundings of Buen Pastor and Alderdi Eder, two spaces will be set up where you can experience the reality of these groups, their tools on a daily basis, and thus learn what their difficulties are in moving around the city. city.

Throughout the week, Dbus will also present the new functionality of its bus shelters through Navilens technology, which allows obtaining information adapted to people with reduced vision in real time about the schedules and routes of the different bus lines. In addition, the company will present a ‘QR’ code payment system, with the aim of facilitating and encouraging the use of public transport.

Finally, on Friday the 22nd, the traditional Bizikletada will arrive, starting at 11:00 a.m. the Week with hundreds of students from different schools on bicycles from Alderdi Eder to carry out an urban itinerary of almost 10 kilometers through the city, in which they will claim ” the importance of the bicycle to complete the school itinerary”.

In addition to the scheduled activities, with the aim of promoting the use of bicycles and public transport, Dbizi will launch a contest in which the five users of the system who use public bicycles the most during this week will win a free annual subscription.