The upcoming investiture session is that of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. It will be September 26 and 27 and everything points to failure. But ERC and Junts want to address a subsequent investiture of Pedro Sánchez right now and urgently. The approval of an amnesty law requires a time that could exceed the limit to form a government and new elections are automatically called. So Míriam Nogueras, one of the post-convergents in Congress, has called on the acting president of the Government not to do like Marinao Rajoy and let the passage of time solve the problems.

For JxCat, the amnesty and the use of Catalan in the European Union must be approved if he wants to renew his position at the head of the Spanish Executive. For her part, Marta Rovira, general secretary of Esquerra, has assured, given the lack of serious contacts, that her party is not going to allow a last-minute negotiation. “We are not doing well,” she said to highlight the urgency.

Both parties recognize that the negotiations are in the early stages and this morning they have pressured the leader of the PSOE to start talks immediately. “Don’t think that time will fix your problems like Rajoy did, because there may be surprises, and this is because of Catalan and the amnesty,” Nogueras warned at the national council that Junts is holding today in Mataró.

In this sense, the leader of JxCat in Congress wanted to make it clear that her party “is not going to move a millimeter” in its convictions and has pointed out that the 19th, next Tuesday, is fundamental. It will be when the reform of the regulations on the use of Catalan in Congress is carried out and when the official status of Catalan in Europe is debated in the European Council. “We will then see the level of credibility of the PSOE,” Nogueras stressed.

“We have held and will continue to hold our position, because this is not about fit, and not just about negotiating. It goes from country, from nation, from State mentality and from a relationship of equals to equals. This is about firmness and making yourself respected,” said the post-convergent.

In his speech, Nogueras has veiledly criticized ERC. “We will not give up and our legs will not shake and we will not lower demands like some do,” she stated. Rovira, on the other hand, has fled from the reproaches and has chosen an hour earlier to focus on demanding that Sánchez promote the negotiations, with the amnesty at the center.

Rovira, as his party did two weeks ago, has taken the amnesty for granted. But in his opinion, it still has to be finalized. In any case, it has highlighted the three years of negotiations with the PSOE Government and Unidas Podemos during the last legislature. For the Republican, these have paved the way for an amnesty law to be highly probable today.

The negotiation path is, according to the general secretary of ERC, “absolutely current” and she is convinced that “it is the best.” “We started this path three years ago and created the conditions for the resolution of the conflict to begin,” she added from Geneva, in a telematic intervention at the Esquerra national council this morning.