Podemos has marked this Saturday its requirements and proposals for the future investiture of the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, which includes the continuity of the head of Equality, Irene Montero, at the head of the department, the repeal of the Gag Law, upload the minimum interprofessional salary to 1,500 euros and freezing all rental contracts during the legislature, among other initiatives.

This was stated by the general secretary of the purple party, Ione Belarra, in an event this Saturday together with Montero and several party officials, where she outlined five basic points that they demand for the next legislature, in order to guarantee the “mandate” of the progressive electorate after the 23J elections.

During the meeting, set to set the new training roadmap and due to the recent disagreements with Sumar, Belarra listed her objectives for the legislature, such as measures to lower the cost of living, expanding the reduction of public transportation and making it permanent, together with limiting the price of food through a cap on business margins.

In turn, Belarra has urged the completion of the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), which the PP has been blocking for four years, and the complete repeal of the Citizen Security Law, known by its detractors as the ‘Gag Law’. ‘.

He then stressed that feminism must be the “engine of the legislature” and for this it is “essential” that Montero and his team continue to lead the Ministry of Equality and promote pending transformations and “recover the centrality of consent in the Penal Code.” , which the party saw undermined after the change in the law approved by PP and PSOE.

It has also requested to “guarantee the right to be of non-binary people”, act against obstetric violence, continue fighting against sexist violence and approve an anti-racist law. “I think it would be Podemos’s best contribution to the next coalition government.”

In housing, one of the party’s flags, the acting head of Social Rights has demanded that rents be frozen to address the housing emergency, launch an index that replaces the CPI in updating contracts and approve a moratorium on accommodation tourist.

Representatives of other political forces also attended the event, such as the leaders of IU Amanda Mayer and Carlos Sánchez Mato, the coordinator of Alianza Verde Juantxo López de Uralde and the ERC spokesperson in Congress, Gabriel Rufián, who was applauded by those in attendance. shouting ‘Yes we can’ like the co-founder of the party Juan Carlos Monedero.

The capacity of the Fernando de Rojas Theater, in the Círculo de Bellas Artes, with capacity for 500 people, has been overwhelmed by the influx of 1,000 people, including cadres and party supporters. Thus, half of the attendees followed the event in an adjacent room using screens and also on the street. Both ministers have addressed all of them to thank them for their support.