* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

This morning at dawn on the beach of Gavà, in the Baix Llobregat, it was possible to see a lightning show in the Mediterranean Sea.

As can be seen in this snapshot that I captured for La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos, the storm was leaving out to sea, leaving this beautiful postcard.

Civil Protection of Catalonia has deactivated the alert of the INUNCAT plan this morning after the warning issued by the Catalan Meteorological Service (Meteocat) for heavy rain, which has caused 374 incidents, has ended.

Civil Protection reports that the heavy rains began yesterday morning and mainly affected the Ebro regions and then, throughout the day, spread to almost the entire Catalan territory, especially the coastal and pre-coastal areas. This morning, the agency specifies, intense rainfall has still been recorded in the regions of Girona.

According to Meteocat records, in the last few hours 55.3 liters have fallen in Castell d’Aro; 48.2 in Palafrugell; and 16 in Torroella de Montgrí, all on the Gerund coast.

Civil Protection indicates that the emergency telephone number 112 has received a total of 506 calls due to these rains, related to 374 incidents.

The majority of those calls, he points out, were received from the counties of Baix Ebre (91), Barcelonès (86); Vallès Occidental (59); and Baix Llobregat (34).

The time slot in which the most calls were recorded was 6:00 p.m. yesterday (86), followed by 4:00 p.m. (83). The calls received on 112 until 9:00 p.m. resulted in 287 notices to the Generalitat Firefighters, especially due to flooding, problems with electricity cables and fallen branches.

These warnings to the firefighters were given mainly in the morning in the Ebro regions and, later, in the northern and southern metropolitan areas of Barcelona.

These calls reported, among other cases, the presence of people trapped in their cars on the underpass of the train tracks in Cubelles (Barcelona), where members of the GRAE rescue team went, although they did not act. because when they arrived they found that those trapped had been able to get out of the vehicles and get to safety. In Deltebre (Tarragona), firefighters helped the neighbor of a house located in a rice field that was flooded.

Regarding the rivers, Civil Protection recalls that around eight o’clock yesterday afternoon, the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) reported that the alert threshold had been exceeded in the Llobregat as it passed through Sant Vicenç dels Horts, so It was recommended not to access the river bank, underpasses and low points of the municipality.

According to the data transferred by the ACA, the increase in the flow of the Llobregat river as it passes through Sant Vicenç has once again fallen below the alert threshold although it is still higher than usual levels.