* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Summer is leaving and a new season is coming. Walking through the fields of Castilla, in Almodóvar del Pinar, province of Cuenca, one perceives that sensation of fleeting temporality that surrounds us and of which we are rarely aware.

The change of season can be seen in the sunflower crops, as I have portrayed in The Readers’ Photos of La Vanguardia, and they have greatly appreciated the recent rains. Happy autumn!

The sunflower is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, native to Central and North America and cultivated as a food, oilseed and ornamental crop throughout the world.

The planting time for this crop varies depending on latitude, but lasts approximately one month from the beginning of summer. The sunflower is not very demanding on the type of soil, although it prefers sandy clay and rich in organic matter, but it is essential that the soil has good drainage and the water table is at a shallow depth.

Almodóvar del Pinar is part of the Manchuela Conquense region, although its landscape is typical of any town in the Serranía Baja, since it is at a higher altitude and surrounded by pine forests. The Valdemembra River runs through its territory from northwest to south.