One of the most radical changes anticipated in the new legislature that begins in the Valencian Community will occur in educational matters. This is clear from the intervention that the Minister of Education, Universities and Employment, José Antonio Rovira, in the Valencian Parliament to present the strategic lines of his Ministry. Unlike other government colleagues, his prominence in a busy if not chaotic start to the course – this afternoon he used part of his presentation to blame the outgoing government for this – has meant that the announcements made at the parliamentary headquarters were not surprising. .

The PP sticks to the electoral program and what it defended during the first weeks of the mandate and will once again opt for the single district, changes in the Multilingualism law and, above all, the slogan of allowing “free choice of parents” and ending with “impositions from the Administration.” Furthermore, Rovira has indeed surprised with his intention to recover the numerical qualification of the ESO grades, “which the Ministry of Education of the Sánchez Government eliminated in 2022 to leave them in an abstract Insufficient, Sufficient, Good, Notable or Outstanding” .

A power that the autonomies have and that other regions have already implemented. “We plan to join other Autonomous Communities in which numerical grading is a reality, so that families have the more information the better about their children’s results and where effort is also recognized and rewarded. A 1 is not the same as a 4, nor a 9 as a 10,” Rovira noted. His department points out that this idea will be tried to be implemented in institutes (it is not possible in schools) this year and, if there is no time, starting next year.

In the same way, Rovira has indicated that work is already underway so that the implementation of the single school district “can come into force next year.” Regarding the language, he has pointed out, without giving more details, that work is already underway on a new Multilingualism law “that guarantees the study and knowledge of Valencian, but leaves imposition behind.”

Along these lines, he has reiterated his intention to “recognize the particularity of Spanish-speaking and Valencian-speaking areas” in the face of the “nonsense” that, in his opinion, means that “a student who lives in a Spanish-speaking area is exempt from taking the Valencian exam and instead is forced to take a core subject such as mathematics or history. For this reason, he has insisted that “a specific modification of the Multilingualism law will be included through this year’s Accompaniment law to correct this anomaly.”

However, he added that his Government’s intention is to encourage students who study Valencian, “automatically certifying the corresponding level when they finish their studies.” This certificate, he has pointed out, will not be a requirement to access the Administration, but “it will serve in the future as a merit if you want to access jobs in the Valencian administration.”

All of this, in an intervention where the clash with the opposition has been a constant to the point that Compromís deputy Gerard Fullana has compared it, due to its forms, as a hyperbolic talk show talk show. The minister replied: “You are a professional insulter.”