The Barcelona Court has sentenced a man to eleven years in prison for fatally stabbing a friend in Olesa de Montserrat, as stated in the sentence made public this Thursday. The murderer considered that the other man addressed what is now his ex-partner “with excessive familiarity.”

It all happened in the early morning of March 13, 2021. That morning, one of the streets in the center of Olesa dawned with traces of blood and a 43-year-old man was arrested. But the crime occurred inside an apartment.

That long night the murderer, the woman who witnessed the violent death and the friend who ended up being the victim were at the former’s home consuming alcohol. At around 4:40 a.m. the condemned man became jealous of the way his friend spoke towards the girl. However, he stabbed her with a kitchen knife, resulting in her death.

He had the “intention of causing death” or assumed that “such a result could occur with his action,” the ruling states. In addition to alcohol, the magistrate reports consumption of other substances such as marijuana and cocaine by the convicted person.

The action was sudden and unexpected, without the affected person having “any possibility of reacting and defending himself as his abilities were greatly reduced by the consumption of alcoholic beverages.” The injured man managed to leave the home but ultimately fell to the ground in the street, where he died.

The first reaction of the now convicted man was to try to “hide his action.” To do this, he cleaned the blood from the goal and prepared a car owned by his mother to place the body of his friend in the trunk.

But he could not finish this action since the police, alerted by neighbors, arrived at the scene and arrested him. Since then he has been in provisional prison. The Mossos d’Esquadra, who carried out the arrest with the collaboration of the local police, took charge of the investigation.

In addition to the eleven years in prison, anyone convicted of a crime of “murder with malice aforethought” must pay 100,000 euros to each of the victim’s children and 58,000 euros to the victim’s mother.