The Valencian Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez, stressed today in the Corts Valencianes that he does not rule out maintaining concessions to the private companies that manage the health areas of Denia and Manises, whose contracts end in 2023. For this reason, he has indicated that has given the order to begin the work of drafting the concession maintenance specifications in both departments.

“We want to have everything ready in case the audit in charge concludes that the reversal process initiated by the Botànic must be paralyzed,” Gómez announced. However, he has also stressed that “each and every possibility is open on the table.” Gómez, in his appearance in Les Corts to explain the main lines of work of his department in the legislature, stressed in this regard that “they are not going to stop” because “we have been delayed for four months due to the elections.”

In that sense, he has stressed: “I say, I said and I will say that each of the possibilities are open; I say, I said and I will say that I will not rush into my decision, as happened in the Torrevieja reversal that generated serious health care problems beyond whether it was taken well or badly; and I say, I said and I will say that if it is extended it will be for a reviewable year,” he stressed.

The opposition, during the debate, has demanded that the councilor clarify what the future of the management of these departments will be, and in this regard Gómez has criticized them for only dealing with these departments when their concern is the five million Valencians. “The citizens of Dénia and Manises have to be calm because they will have the best possible healthcare, because the debate is not public or private healthcare, but the debate is about well-managed or poorly managed healthcare.” “My ministry is like Coca-Cola, zero-zero ideology.

During the debate, the opposition groups have urged the councilor to make clear the future of the departments of Dénia (Alicante) and Manises (Valencia), to say if the audit is a “smokescreen” to “not reverse them.” and to clarify whether he or Alberto de Rosa is in charge, referring to the president of the Ribera group. “Marciano Gómez rules in the department, but I am not going to enter into any type of debate that is not based on rigor,” the councilor replied.

Likewise, PSPV and Compromís have criticized that the first “carcinogenic measure” of the Consell was to allow smoking on terraces again and that the councilor alluded to “freedom” and Gómez has explained that they lifted the ban to comply with the law and has opened up to re-implement it if so agreed in the Interterritorial Council.

On the other hand, during his speech, Gómez committed to carrying out “a global transformation of the system, which cannot be achieved from today to tomorrow”, to achieve public health, universal and free, but “more effective, efficient, sustainable and that store to excellence”: “We are going to radically change the paradigm, the first thing on our scale of values ??will be health, above numbers or lists.”

Gómez has emphasized that the objective is to streamline patient care. For this reason, a General Directorate of Primary Care has been created so that entry into the system is “as quick as possible” and to achieve a “rapid and accurate” diagnosis – his “personal” battle, he has pointed out – the procedures will be streamlined. diagnostic tests.

Likewise, to reduce surgical waiting lists – which has risen to 112,083 patients, 38,616 more than those recognized – actions will be prioritized based on severity and he has assured that the criterion will be “always sanitary and never statistical.”

In this sense, he recalled that in recent years with “self-aggrandizing policies” the billing for referral to the private sector has tripled to 30.6 million, but “without reducing” the delay. For this reason, he demands “a radical change in strategy.” Likewise, positive incentives will be enhanced to “reward the best and earn more.” “Work will be done in the afternoon when it has been completed in the morning, not to do what has not been done in the morning,” he noted.

Another priority is to promote innovation and research, personalized and precision medicine, and equality policies, with a second plan, and prevention of gender violence, with the updating of protocols and especially that of the sexual assaults; as well as promoting mechanisms that promote continued training, teaching, innovation and research in hospital care.