Between hilarity and amazement. This is how the candidate of the Socialist Party of Canet de Mar (Maresme), Marian Gómez Téllez, reacted to receiving an official letter from the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, in which she congratulated herself on having been elected mayor. In reality, what Pere Aragonès does not know is that the mayor of the PSC, who was the most voted force, a four-way pact, instigated by ERC, snatched the mayorship now held by Pere Xirau of Canetencs Independents, who has the ERC candidate, Lluís Llobet, as deputy mayor.

In the erroneous official letter signed, Aragonès himself praises the responsibility of assuming the will of the citizens by being “elected mayor of the Canet de Mar City Council.”

“It is an honor that the president congratulates me for having won the elections and understands that I should be mayor,” says Marian Gómez. Despite everything, she regrets that a leader like the president of the Generalitat “does not know who the mayor is in a town neighboring his.” Canet de Mar is 18 kilometers from Pineda de Mar. The socialist spokesperson takes the opportunity to remember that, “despite having won the elections, her people – in reference to ERC – have prevented the popular will from being fulfilled.”

In the official letter, Aragonès refers to “the enormous difficulties” that mayors have to face to address all the challenges of their municipality “starting with the structural financing deficit.” The president says goodbye by reiterating his gratitude for the commitment and vocation for service of the elected councilors assuming the responsibility of a local government.

Ironically, the socialists of Canet de Mar now hope that, once the president recognizes his mistake, “he will not fail to take into account the demands of the municipality” a fact that, according to Gómez, “those of us who should be mayors will take care of it and will not we could be.”

The PSC won the elections in Canet de Mar with 22.16% of the votes, which four councilors gave it. ERC received a harsh punishment, as in the entire Maresme region, losing two councilors and remaining as the third force. The four-way pact between the Republicans, Canetencs, Som and a Junts councilor, who had been an ERC councilor in another legislature, delegated the socialists to the opposition.