The Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira, said this on Thursday in Les Corts and has been, since taking office, warning of his intention not to teach core subjects in Valencian in schools and institutes in areas where Castilian language predominates. Yesterday, the publication of the Accompaniment Law, the regulations that are approved with the budgets and serve to modify laws of all types, already included the plans of the new Consell.

Thus, it proposed (it has to go through Les Corts where PP and Vox have the absolute majority) “the suspension of the application of certain articles of Law 4/2018, of February 21, of the Generalitat, which regulates and promotes multilingualism in the Valencian educational system, in municipal terms of Spanish linguistic predominance.

An application – planned for the next academic year (Accompaniment is approved at the end of the year) – that will be applied “in all educational centers, public and private [located in the municipal limits of the areas marked as Spanish-speaking in the LLei d’Ús i Ensenyament del València de 1983] in which non-university education is taught”. These are basically some inland regions of València and Castellón and the southernmost regions of Alicante.

Thus, the application of the current regulations approved by the Botànic is suspended “in the extremes relating to the minimum time of 25% of the actual teaching hours allocated to curricular content in Valencian; as well as the obligation to teach in Valencian as a minimum, “another non-linguistic curricular area, subject or subject of a core or analogous nature”.

Likewise, the articles and additional provisions that refer to “the time allocated to curricular content in Valencian” in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, in adult training, and Vocational Training are suspended.

Given the suspension of the articles of the Multilingualism Law, centers located in municipalities with a predominance of Spanish languages ??will be able to choose between: Maintaining the application of their current center linguistic projects in the same terms in which they were approved, or Proposing the modification of the application of its center linguistic projects, so that in its teaching plan and vehicular use of languages, one or more of the areas, subjects, areas or modules that were to be taught in Valencian can be taught in Spanish, at the proposal of the council school.