If the bad interpretation causes the rain, it seems that the good one keeps it away, or at least that’s what happened last night on the Bogatell beach where, unlike last year, the weather was kind at the first large mass concert at La Mercè. Thousands of people gathered in a space rocked by the sea breeze to attend the quadruple musical offering by Boye, Ginestà, Zoo and Vicco. Catalan proposals united by the festive tone, although differentiated in the genres they use, which provided a top night for an audience that enjoyed the party until after two in the morning.

Much earlier, at 9 p.m., the performance of David Menéndez, alias Boye, began, a versatile artist who both publishes music with the collaboration of Arnau Vallvé and acts as an actor in the series Antidisturbios or the recent film As Bestas. The Barcelona native showed his magnetism on stage with a review of the songs from the Boye EP, we love you but you are nobody, starting with Sexo y sopa, in a happy and energetic concert with a lot of rap to the rhythm of a bass drum in which street stories, reproaches were heard. and dreams marked by the deep voice of Boye, dressed in a yellow suit and a Mercury mustache, who did not stop moving around the stage during the 60 minutes of the concert, in which new songs such as Peter Pan or Let’s go to work were played, ironic lyrics and robotic beats to remember the hardships of wage earners in a tribute to Pepe Rubianes.

The audience, sparse in the first few bars, filled the beach where the stage was located as songs such as the reggae rhythm of a punk-scented Mi casa, A minute of rest almost recited, or that Backpacks that with choirs loaded with humor invited us to empty the emotional burdens and all kinds that we all carry on our backs. The strong and slow-paced Los percebeiros served to show off Boye’s deep voice before performing the cryptic Nirbunjatis, Chocotetas and esa Na that definitely got the audience dancing with the chorus ‘Boye, you don’t know anything’, performed with complemented rhythmic bases. on stage with Julio Bernardo’s bass and Roger Pi’s drums. The heroic and mythological Veni, Vidi, Vici closed the performance at du zenit, nailing Boye’s pavilion high in the sand.

Ginestà took over to perform the songs from Suposo que l’amor és això, the Serrasola brothers’ third album dedicated to the art of Cupid with refined pop melodies. The beach, already full to the point that the accesses were closed, celebrated the appearance of the band at 10:35 p.m. for a concert that began with Somni, received with joy by a respectable person eager to show that he knew well songs like Ulls d ‘avellana or Kilòmetre 3. Avisa’m sounded with a dedication to the soccer players “because if they touch one, they touch all of them.” A disco ball rested in the middle of the stage, reflecting the light of the spotlights while Júlia’s voice sweetened the night, accompanied on the guitar and her voice by her brother Pau de ella. Drums and guitar accompaniment completed the line-up, which let their fans sing the tune Estimar-te com la terra “que fa viure els cirerers'”, full of twenty-something melancholy.

Es que m’agrades molt sounded with a dedication to Ferran Gallart, voice of Strombers, who died this Friday to continue with the intimate Ara estiu each summer while a storm appeared, distant, at the bottom of the coast, illuminating the clouds with its rays. Everything accelerated the evening for a few moments, where the band’s serene and well-strung music connected at all times with the audience, as they demonstrated in L’Eva i la Jana, a love story that in three stanzas goes from adolescence to motherhood. There was no shortage of Em bategues, popularized by the beer that the event sponsored, and which preceded Vull saber de tú with which he closed a performance that certifies Ginestà’s connection with her generation.

At midnight, the Zoo jumped onto the stage with all their strength, firing off rapped verses with Tir al ninot and La del futbol, ??handing out the entire football world, and not exactly caresses. With Panxo on the microphone, the Valencian sextet soon proclaimed that “morir és no viure lluitant”, a warning of what was to come, accompanied by thousands of palms. Nothing new for a band that last December filled the Palau Sant Jordi and brought together 8,000 people at the Wizink Center in Madrid. The rhythm of bass drum to quarter notes marked the twenty pieces they performed last night while the trombone and baritone sax contributed the reggae sound that characterizes the group and that accompanies the drowned by the mortgage in Impresentables or the retaliated teacher in La mestra, a claim that It reaches thousands of people (not all because of ideology) without being a concert organized from a politicized prism.

Camins reggae takes a slight breather before accelerating again with Ara estem sols before moving all the public from one side of the track to another to the tune of Panya. , more hardened, in La nostra bota. Meanwhile, among a devoted audience with a desire to jump and dance, the flares burned here and there dancing to the sound of Correfoc, a theme out of the repertoire that preceded Cap per avall, I remember a Valencia made up of “Frozen paella, cardboard falleras, smell of burnt wheel, gum and procession”.

The festive Llepolia, with the trombone flying over the beat, faced the final stretch of the concert. “Love without limits and fire to the clergy,” exclaimed Panxo before singing the tasty Estiu from his first album, published in 2014. Esbarzers set fire to the beach to cool it down with Serenos, the concert’s only Spanish theme.

After a brief break, Avant continued with the party of a protest machine that ended by chaining the now classic Corbelles, Ventiladors and the crazy Tobogan, songs all cheered by thousands of tireless fans to culminate a 90-minute performance with the intensity in the air from the first moment.

At two in the morning the public was still in place and eager for more. It was the moment when Vicco made his appearance with Me muero por ti. Dressed in white and accompanied by a trio of keyboards, bass and drums, she starred in a performance of just over half an hour where she gave the audience unreleased songs such as Te Quiero, Sorteo or Misiles, with happy and danceable electronic pop, or the disco rhythm of Engatusao. , novelties set by the silky voice of the singer and composer of Tiana who has starred in her songs since she began publishing her own music in 2020. You will also never return, a version of El Sueño de Morfeo published this Friday and which had a great reception among the public. The same as Pop, a song from Van Gogh’s Ear that appeared a few weeks ago and was one of the most celebrated of the performance, a hopeful sign for the artist’s future and long-awaited album.

With a simple stage design throughout almost the entire concert, Vicco used her silky voice to dazzle the audience that still filled the Bogatell beach, and that from the beginning demanded the artist’s hit that made her famous, the Nochentera that concluded the concert. between the ecstasy of the attendees in a performance that featured the choreography of 8 dancers (six men, two women), presenting a perhaps more complete show, and that in any case ended the night on a high note in terms of music in direct is concerned, because the young concertgoers did not seem in the mood to retire to their homes, no matter how much they had enjoyed a full-fledged show.