The new installment of Big Brother VIP has created great expectation among Telecinco viewers. Mediaset had been announcing the 8th edition of the format with great fanfare for a few months, and the result has been positive. There are several prominent faces that are part of this new edition, such as the singer Karina, the model Jessica Bueno, the journalist Carmen Alcayde or Gustavo Guillermo, the driver of María Teresa Campos, who died at the age of 82 just a few weeks ago. Precisely, Gustavo has revealed in the last few hours what he believes was the reason for the death of the legendary television presenter.

For a long time, Gustavo was a person of utmost trust for the mother of Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego. As for his media profile, he has always remained in the background, so to the GH VIP audience he was unknown. Little by little, the driver is opening up to his colleagues in the house and is revealing some details about his life or about the time he spent with the Campos ‘clan’.

The truth is that Gustavo is constantly remembering María Teresa, who died on September 5, leaving a great void in Spanish society and in all those who were lucky enough to know her. The truth is that for Guillermo, the journalist was a second mother. In one of his last conversations with his reality show colleagues, he revealed what he believed was the main reason for the veteran communicator’s death.

The driver was talking with his companions Laura Bozzo and Karina about great stars who marked an era, both in the world of music and in cinema. Among the artists mentioned were Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner. The name of María Teresa, a pioneering woman in television in our country, slipped into the conversation. The three protagonists of the conversation referred to the great weight that her work had had on her daily life… and she lived dedicated to and for communication until practically her last days.

“There are people who when they stop working they sink emotionally,” the contestants expressed in the conversation. The presenter and lawyer Laura Bozzo added that possibly this is what had happened to María Teresa Campos. “She died because of that,” said Gustavo, who knew the presenter well. And for ‘la Campos’, work was one of the main drivers of her life.

As far as Gustavo is concerned, this first great television adventure has been a real surprise for many viewers. Also for those closest to María Teresa, who did not expect her to enter a contest of this caliber. The driver began working for the presenter at the age of 19, and is currently 46, so he has dedicated more than three decades of his life to working with the communicator. Over the years they became friends and confidants, and in fact, María Teresa’s family considered him one of them.

“We supported each other. She has always protected me (…) She would have wanted me to be here, I’m sure. She always told me: ‘Take any opportunity,'” he said about María Teresa in the reality show. “He is resigning because he no longer performed the functions he had as a worker. He tells them in a letter that he does not want to be an economic burden,” said his defender, his partner Ainhoa, during the defense of the contestant on set. Without a doubt, the presenter and Gustavo were very close.