Last Sunday, September 17, Ana María Aldón, a regular contributor to the Telecinco program Fiesta, became the protagonist of the broadcast after Eladio, her current partner, called the live program to propose marriage. The designer’s joy was maximum, however, some statements from her daughter, Gema Aldón, have clouded her happiness. And the young woman has revealed to Socialité what she really thinks about this relationship and she has assured that she will try to prevent her mother from marrying again. Some statements to which Aldón herself reacted this Saturday at Fiesta, and she seemed most affected.

After a last year marked by the breakup with José Ortega Cano, the designer rebuilt her life with Eladio. Since then, they both live on a cloud and are very happy, as she herself has stated on several occasions. However, her boyfriend’s live call to propose marriage left everyone shocked, since her relationship is still quite recent. “I don’t see a future without him,” Aldón assured, before her boy asked her to marry him.

However, this illusion has been clouded by Gema Aldón’s recent statements to Socialité. “I don’t find it very funny,” Gema expressed, about her mother’s possible wedding. The young woman claims that she believes it is too soon for her mother and Eladio to get married, as they have both experienced failed marriages in the past. “I want my mother to think very carefully about it,” Gema expressed.

“I think he has returned to his childhood, it seems that he is fifteen years old and that he has no responsibilities. He has to have his feet on the ground. Getting married is a very important step. The child will not understand how his mother was nine months ago with her father and now she is going to marry someone else,” said the young woman. “I tell my mother to wait,” she said. “The news didn’t sit very well with me,” she concluded. These statements have especially hurt Ana María, who does not understand that her daughter is not happy about her happiness.

“My daughter was surprised when she found out, she sees it as very hasty, she has made it clear to me. I am going to try to throw hairs into the sea because she is my daughter and she will earn Eladio’s trust,” Ana María expressed on the set of Party. “They know each other, but they don’t know each other,” the designer revealed, implying that her daughter and her partner have met, but they don’t know each other well.

But that is not all. Ana María was the hardest with her daughter. “She can’t lead by example either, and she knows why I say that. I’m not 15 years old, I’m 45 and I have a hard life baggage. I wake up early to take my son to school, I’m financially independent, I have my car, my driving license, a house in Madrid and Cádiz and I have my feet on the ground,” the collaborator continued explaining. However, she made excuses for her daughter and “her way of expressing herself.” We will have to wait to know if mother and daughter reduce tensions.