What do you see when you wake up?

My flowers in the window, facing the Mediterranean Sea.

Doesn’t anyone steal the flowers?

They could, but no. I take care of them a lot.

Perhaps their guardian angel protects them.

I always feel accompanied and protected, even in a desert.

By whom?

It is neither seen nor touched. But I’m never alone.

They don’t call her crazy.

I obey my madman. He is always right.

A mysterious reason?

I leave room for mystery. That’s why she traveled alone. And I’m never alone, I tell you! There is a tree, a song, a dead friend…

A friend…

He died at the age of 30, the most special person I have ever known: he laughed with his eyes. She’s with me. And my grandfather, who I saw die…

Travel well accompanied, then.

Everything accompanies me. The flowers, the fire.

Do you light the fire?

Pinecones, twigs, trunks: it connects me with ancient humanity. Flowers and fire center me. How come some people feel alone? They are not alive: with the millions of possibilities that life has!

What is loneliness?

A contempt for all other living beings. Because there is always someone to meet.

You can be wrong.

I let myself be guided by my intuition and everything is a surprise.

And is it going well for him like this?

I repeat to myself that the normal thing is not to be alive.

But since we are…

Let’s live. Everything is beautiful, everything overflows with beauty, beauty touches us at every moment.

What is beauty?

It’s secret, it’s in my eyes. Nobody tell me about someone else who is ugly! I will see him beautiful.

What was your first job?

I had six-year-old children in my care: I was a teacher at a school.

High responsibility.

I gave confidence to the children, I induced in them the joy of knowing, the pleasure of knowledge.

What is joy?

The most important! Happy people enlighten you. Being happy activates you. Laughing and making people laugh is the greatest thing.

And after teaching classes, what did you do?

I wrote, I started interviewing…

By listening you learn a lot…

And I avoid catching the fears of others. Fear and courage are like viruses.

Better to spread happiness, right?

And play to get out of this cage of oneself to be another person.

But every day we have to go to work.

Yes, but even in the most routine routine it is possible to see diversity.

And if a very sad day dawns, what?

Sadness is vicious and if I incur it, I try to get out quickly.

And how does he do it?

I don’t treat myself as a victim, it would make me very ashamed: “Wake up!” I ordered myself.

What if some misfortune befalls him?

Everything is pendulous and temporary: that will pass!

You don’t complain about anything, really?

People are addicted to complaining, but I always prefer to act.

Do you feel free?

You are free if you feel inner confidence, self-confidence.

How do you inject self-confidence?

I say to myself: “What if she were already dead?” And then I really want to do this and do that… and I act: I am free!

His first free act is…

Tell me that I am not the owner of what happens, happily! And I take care of my flowers, queen earrings, carnations, geraniums, daisies… I clean leaves, water, I observe.

What a great vegetable passion!

I will work one day as a gardener. And then I will also be a cook for a while.

Is that what you said about being another, being others?

Many people inhabit each of us. There is a numerous secret people within each of us.

And you can even write novels with all that you have inside, of course…

And know myself better and contrast my main intuition that everything and everyone is interconnected.

What is old age?

It doesn’t matter 22 years or 92 years, it seems to me. I was a good friend of the nonagenarian Espinàs: “Today’s afternoon… does not exist,” he taught me.

Will his red hair turn gray one day?

No, because instead of going gray, redheads turn red.

All redheads, in ancient times, were considered demonic.

As a child, my heroine was the redhead Pippi Langstrump, so free: Pippi always did whatever she wanted.

Choose now to be someone tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Tomorrow I will be Leonard Cohen’s girlfriend and we will be on his Greek island of Hydra… Anything is possible in my head.