A 70-year-old man died on Wednesday morning after being run over and crushed by a mechanical bull forklift in a company in Valdemoro, reports Emergencies Madrid.

The Summa 112 services responded to the work accident, but Carlos Polo, head of the guard, explains that they have only been able to certify the death. “He was completely crushed,” says the spokesperson. When emergency services arrived, the man had already died.

For his part, Fernando Rodríguez, spokesman for the firefighters, has stressed that they have only been able to wait for the judicial record to be drawn up before proceeding to extract the body, which had been trapped under the vehicle.

The accident occurred at 9:20 a.m. in a warehouse located at kilometer 30 of the A-4. The Samur psychologists have also treated the worker who ran over the deceased, since he had a strong anxiety crisis.

It is a work accident, since the victim was a self-employed owner of a truck. Now, they are waiting for the arrival of the judicial police and the judge on duty to authorize the removal of the body.