José Luis Moreno testified today at his own request in the National Court, where he is being investigated for crimes such as fraud and criminal organization in the Titella case, which revolves around alleged fraud against banks and private investors in search of financing. The television producer and ventriloquist has insisted on his innocence at the same time that he has refused to provide a handwriting sample, claiming that he was in a “hurry” as the investigating judge requested.

“Everything is false,” Moreno stated as he left the National Court. As he did in his previous appearances, he has categorically denied the fraud and has justified that he was simply dedicated to providing creative ideas and that the person who closed the contracts and sought investment was Antonio Aguilera, considered by investigators to be one of the main ringleaders of this plot. , as legal sources have informed EFE.

The curiosity of the statement before Judge Ismael Moreno came when the magistrate asked him if he could provide a sample of his writing to be able to check his handwriting with that of the documents that appear in the case. The businessman’s response has been “I’m in a hurry” and in this way he has prevented his handwriting from being tested for the moment with supposed forged signatures that appear in the summary.

José Luis Moreno has given explanations about the contract related to the series “Aqui manda yo”, which he had planned to record for TVE and which he finally did not make; a line of investigation for which several former RTVE executives have recently been charged, such as its former president and later provisional administrator of Telemadrid, José Antonio Sánchez.

According to sources, the producer, who has denied having received money from the public entity or having signed any contract with TVE, has explained that the project did not succeed due to the arrival at RTVE of Rosa María Mateo, who had “animosity” towards him and said ” For Moreno, no water”, although, she added, she does not know why since he has hired her husband many times.

Asked about the actor and director Santiago Segura, who would appear in said contract – Moreno could not due to his problems with the Treasury -, the producer indicated that he got involved in the project because he was his friend.

He has also acknowledged that he paid for a trip to Germany for the former director of Content and Programming of RTVE Antonio Luis Sevilla, whom he has described as “upright”, and has justified that he paid those expenses because he wanted to start a new stage in the private company.

Moreno has been asked about some notes that the Civil Guard found in his diaries, such as one, apparently about the former director of TVE Fernando López Puig, which said “López Puig. Close contract director bite”, regarding which he already denied knowing why These concepts are together when Mordida is, according to him, the name of another series.

On this occasion, deeply offended, according to sources, he said that “in life” he has received a commission.

This is the third time that the popular ventriloquist, who has once again attacked the Civil Guard’s investigation, has given a statement at the National Court; The first was after his arrest, in July 2021, and the second in February 2022, when he denied being “the boss of anything.”