It is not the first time – nor will it be the last – that a video shared on social networks has consequences. In this case, it has led to the sudden dismissal of the protagonist of the recording, a driver from the Alsa bus company who was recorded carrying out a reckless overtaking while covering the Logroño-Soria-Madrid route.

Although the negligence that endangered road safety took place on June 12, it was not until a few days ago that the transport company made the decision to dismiss this employee. The reason for the delay is that until the video was released, Alsa was unaware of what had happened. It was the motoring platform @SocialDrive that published the recording on X (formerly Twitter), which quickly went viral with almost two million views and hundreds of comments.

The maneuver was carried out at altitude in a section of the Port of Piqueras. As you can see, the bus overtakes a truck in the middle of a curve, crossing the continuous line that prohibits this type of action. Just as he returns to his lane he encounters a car facing him, which is forced to slightly correct its trajectory towards the shoulder.

Although the vast majority of comments made in the publication ask that the driver receive a good comeuppance for this recklessness, there are also some users who put on the table the possibility that the maneuver began in a broken line but that due to the characteristics and performance of both vehicles -bus and truck- it was impossible to complete it adequately in the little space available. In any case, even if this were the case, if the driver sees that he cannot execute it within the law and guaranteeing his own safety and that of other road users, he must desist and abort the action. Something this driver did not do.

For this reason, Alsa carried out an internal investigation that has had its consequences: “the driver has been identified who, in application of the safety policy, will be separated from the company with immediate effect,” the company explained in a statement, in which it points out that “the company’s security policy establishes zero tolerance for unsafe behavior.”

Overtaking in a continuous line invading the opposite lane is only permitted when it can be completed safely to overtake a stationary vehicle, avoid an obstacle or overtake mopeds, bicycles, pedestrians, animals and animal-drawn vehicles.

Making improper overtakes is an infraction that is punishable by a 200 euro fine and the deduction of 4 points from your driving license. Another thing is that this maneuver is considered reckless driving. In this case, it may constitute an administrative penalty – considered a very serious traffic offense that entails a fine of 500 euros and the withdrawal of 6 points – or it may be a crime and carry prison sentences.

Article 380 of the Penal Code establishes that anyone who drives a motor vehicle or moped recklessly and consequently endangers the lives of others will have their license withdrawn for 1 to 6 years and faces imprisonment for 6 years. months to 2 years. If this behavior is also carried out with “manifest disregard for the lives of others”, the punishment will carry a prison sentence of two to five years, a fine of twelve to twenty-four months and the deprivation of the right to drive motor vehicles and mopeds. for a period of six to ten years.