The secretary general and spokesperson of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), Francisco César García Magán, has positioned himself this Thursday against a possible amnesty law related to the process. The prelate, auxiliary bishop of Toledo, has pointed out that, in his opinion, Spain is not experiencing an “exceptional historical situation” that justifies the measure that Junts per Catalunya and Esquerra Republicana demand from the acting president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to support their re-election.

The Secretary General of the EEC, who has held that position since November 2022, has spoken in this sense when asked about the issue at the press conference following the meeting of the Permanent Commission of the body of the Spanish bishops. The spokesperson for the bishops stated that there are tools in the field of law for “very exceptional historical situations” and recalled that there was already an amnesty when the change of regime occurred, during the transition.

However, García Magán has highlighted that this week the investiture plenary session of the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is being held “with democratic normality”, which is why he believes that “we are not facing an exceptional situation that makes exceptional tools essential.” . “We are facing an ordinary situation of a plenary session of investiture,” added the bishop, who has been a member of the Episcopal Council for Legal Affairs, a consultative body of the EEC on matters of law, both canonical and civil.

Likewise, the prelate has pointed out that “respect for current legality and the constitutional order is good for everyone,” and has stressed that Sánchez, for the moment, “has not explicitly said that he is going to use this measure.” “It is good for a society and for a country that always respects the principle of separation of powers because it is a guarantee of democracy and legality,” García Magán concluded.

In the EEC they pointed out this Thursday that their words are “a response from the Secretary General to questions from journalists” and they consider that it is not the same as a note or a written position of the permanent party.

This position of the Spanish Church contrasts with the one it adopted in June 2021 in relation to the pardons for prisoners convicted of 1-O and the process. In that case, the Catalan bishops took a position in favor in a statement and the CEE supported the prelates of the Tarragona Episcopal Conference, which brings together all the Catalan dioceses, a few days later. “We are for dialogue and forgiveness, like the Catalan bishops,” summarized then the general secretary and spokesperson of the Episcopal Conference, Luis Argüello.

However, as of today, the Catalan bishops are not expected to rule on a possible amnesty law related to the process, according to the sources consulted. Furthermore, there is no Tarraconense meeting on the calendar until the beginning of next year since the last one took place just a few days ago.

It so happens that García Magán’s words were received with surprise in some sectors of the Catalan Church.