It is difficult to identify what society of values ??we live in. Cases of group sexual assault are becoming more common, more disgusting and occur at younger ages. Latest example with an open investigation and three complaints, the case that occurred last week in Crevillente. Eight minors between the ages of 15 and 17 are under investigation for allegedly abusing up to three girls, one of them with a disability. Surely we are all more aware as a society of these events.

In the same way, many women will have suffered some type of harassment in recent decades and did not dare to report it because the social ecosystem simply made it uncomfortable or to avoid a public trial. We have finally moved forward. But beyond this circumstance, I am certain that cases of group sexual assaults have multiplied in a dangerously exponential manner in just a few years. Before, there were fewer reports, but now there are more attacks. That is precisely the point from which we must reflect. It is the only possibility to reverse the trend and build a better society.

It all starts at home, and also in new digital habits. If you, dear reader, like me, were born in the last century, access to pornography was almost a chimera, you either rented a VHS or bought a ticket to theater X. Nowadays any of our children with a mobile phone, like With whom perhaps, you are reading this article, you have access to a world of barbarism without limits and that no matter how hard you try, and here a protective father writes, it is difficult to have total control. Any search engine will take you to the greatest atrocities with a single click.

So, either we are able to control the access of certain content to minors or this problem will increase. Either we put a stop to it now, or the time, effort and investment we make in training does not matter. In the same way and without a solution of continuity, the administration must address two issues with the utmost urgency. How to work with aggressors who are minors so that they do not reoffend and how the law is modified, because in the face of events of this nature, the classification of being unimpeachable due to a minority may need to be reconsidered.