The Badalona City Council (Barcelonès Nord) has launched this Monday the actions that will allow the reuse of all the water that is lost from the leak of the pipeline in the Canyet neighborhood. The works will consist of the installation of a new 70-meter pipe, with one part buried and another on the surface, which will divert the water to redirect it to the municipal groundwater channeling system and store it in a tank located in the Montigalà neighborhood. From there it will be extracted to use it to irrigate the green areas of part of the city.

In 2008, a significant water loss was detected around the Codina Tower in the Canyet neighborhood and it was determined that the leak came from the Aigües Ter Llobregat pipeline that is responsible for carrying water from the Ter water treatment plant, in Cardedeu, to that of Trinitat. For more than 15 years the situation has remained with an approximate waste of about 180,000 liters per day, but thanks to the work of the City Council’s technical services, with the collaboration of specialized companies, it has been possible to detect What is the exact point where the water from the exhaust flows again. This fact allows us to precisely control the natural stream through which the water arrives and to execute the solution for the new pipe.

The works to reuse the water, which are being carried out in an area that belongs to a private company, will be completed during this month of October. The solution is expected to reduce at least 95% of the flow of water that currently descends through the Riera de Canyet, since water that leaks from other areas of the mountain will probably still flow. However, if new leaks are detected after the action, the City Council will work to carry out new actions that minimize waste.

The mayor of Badalona, ??Xavier Garcia Albiol, has shown his satisfaction for “solving a problem that we have been dealing with for many years and that is an absolute environmental aberration, especially in a context of drought like the current one in which we ask citizens to make efforts. and restrictions while they see how problems like this remain unsolved.” Garcia Albiol explained that “when we came to the Government it was a priority for us to face this problem, since although the escape is not our responsibility, we were clear that we had to find a solution that would avoid this unacceptable waste.”