Animal videos are one of the main elements of the Internet. Whether funny, emotional or uncomfortable, millions of clips featuring dogs, cats, rabbits, spiders and other creatures; most of them interacting with other human beings. However, some of these images can end up playing tricks on their protagonists, as can be seen in the latest viral TikTok scene.

Those in charge of publishing it are the managers of the Fauna Family profile, whose daily content consists of a multitude of videos of animals, of all types and natures. This particular one shows an owner and her dog reversing roles in the most unusual way. While she organizes the toys inside a fenced cage, the pet closes the door and leaves its owner locked up.

The video has accumulated 1.3 million views on TikTok, as well as 21,500 likes and more than 230 comments. Among the majority of responses, one can distinguish the greatest surprise when seeing how the dog turns against the human. “The firulais: so you can see what it feels like when you lock me up,” a user contributed in his response. There was also room for jokes and other pranks related to the comical scene.

“Boss: Why were you late? “You won’t believe it,” read one of the responses. “He did the same thing to her so she can see how she feels having him locked up,” added another comment, connecting the surprising change of roles. “He returned the coin,” replied the original author of the publication. This theme could be seen replicated in other comments, even mentioning the new Animal Welfare Law, which came into force last Friday.

“Let those who put in the new law bring him to the table, let’s see what he does with them,” said one of the comments. Precisely in line with this response, last Monday the first fine related to the regulations was issued. A young woman from Vigo was fined 500 euros after leaving her pet tied outside, next to the entrance of a pharmacy.

This is an infraction considered minor within the Animal Welfare Law, with a range of fines that can reach 10,000 euros. There are other non-compliances contemplated within the framework of this new law, such as leaving an animal inside a vehicle or in conditions that put it in danger, keeping them in limited spaces such as terraces, basements or balconies; or leaving them for more than 24 hours in an empty home, even if they have enough water and food.