The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has reduced its request for a sentence for the former president of the Generalitat Valenciana Francisco Camps in the case being tried in the National Court for alleged irregularities in the awarding of public contracts to the company Orange Market, one of which was part of the ‘Gürtel’ plot.

Specifically, the Public Ministry reduces its request for a sentence to one year in prison, a substantial reduction from the two years and six months in prison that it initially requested.

The modification was made known this Thursday during the presentation of the final conclusions in the trial taking place at the National Court. The Prosecutor’s Office accuses Camps of a crime of influence peddling in conjunction with the crime of prevarication.

Anti-corruption initially requested two and a half years in prison for the crimes of prevarication and fraud. In its final conclusions, it also requests the disqualification of the PP leader from passive suffrage during the time of the sentence and disqualification from public office for a period of six years.

For its part, the popular accusation brought by the PSOE initially requested a sentence of nine years in prison for influence peddling. However, finally, he has adhered to the Prosecutor’s request.

The public accusation asks for the person in charge of the ‘Gürtel’, Francisco Correa, and his lieutenants, Pablo Crespo and Álvaro Pérez ‘El Bigotes’, a sentence of two years and three months in prison. The crime of which they are accused is the continuation of influence peddling in competition with a crime of prevarication, falsification of commercial documents and embezzlement of public funds.