The first vice president of the Consell and Minister of Culture, Vicente Barrera, announced this afternoon in Les Corts that his department will create two new direct concession lines to provide aid to Lo Rat Penat and the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture, two historical and opposing entities. to the unity of the language that uses regulations different from the official one established by the Valencian Academy of Language.

In the Les Corts gallery, the Vox leader has defended his intention to support two entities “that did not comply with the interests” of the Valencian left and that, therefore, “have been abandoned for many years.” These subsidies will be included in the draft General Budget of the Generalitat for 2024.

Barrera has responded in this way to the question of PSPV deputy José Chulvi who asked if he is going to comply with the law and respect the AVL in the criteria for granting aid in linguistic matters. Chulvi has accused her of “breaking linguistic peace” and applying book censorship in Castellón. “Constantí Llombart, founder of Lo Rat Penat, would be ashamed of you,” indicated the socialist parliamentarian. Chulvi believes that this type of aid will only serve to “enthrone and bunker the conflict”.

For his part, the vice president has valued the work of these two entities in defense of the Valencian identity and has stressed that at the time of the Botànic they barely received 1,000 euros. In this sense, he has regretted that this money has not remained in the pockets of citizens but has gone to entities that, according to him, defend and promote Catalanism and separatism. Thus, he has made it clear, his department will not give “not even those measly 1,000 euros to promote pan-Catalanism in the Valencian Community.”

“We have nothing against Catalonia or against Catalan, but we have our own language, which is Valencian,” he closed his intervention, after the Vox deputy Julia Llopis pointed out that the previous Government’s aid to Catalan entities “was also corruption.” policy”.