A little more than three months after the end of Sálvame, the controversy is still on the table. While waiting for the premiere of Save Who Can, a new Netflix reality show with the most legendary collaborators of the successful space, David Valldeperas has decided to give a devastating interview for the Querido Hater podcast.

The one who was director of Telecinco’s afternoon program for 14 years wanted to talk about what this cancellation has meant and what he thinks about what is happening now on the network. ”It was a lack of respect. But not to the team, but to the entire program, to everyone (…) The fact is the fact, there is a change in editorial line, the network wants to go the other way and… you are left out,” he He has told it openly.

If there was anything interesting about this interview, it was Valldeperas’ opinion about Ana Rosa Quintana’s new program. Given this, it is clear. “Look at the afternoons now and the summer afternoons. It’s video-commentary, video-commentary and everything based on news from popular people. It’s a style. We did that sprinkled with stories from our universe,” she began to express.

But it didn’t take long for him to send the occasional dart. “Ana Rosa does what she knows how to do. LateAR I have seen little of her, to be honest. The first day I saw her and… she has given many hits for many years, I knew the band, but that was two decades ago. Life evolves, “Society evolves and demands other things” he stated.

It seems that David Valldeperas does not like the presenter’s way of doing programs, and has not hesitated to make it public. “I believe that she has started doing what she believes she has to do, another thing is that the data is there, but I am sure that she will adapt to new needs,” he added. Although, yes, he is clear that she also has her audience.

And the former director of Sálvame has decided to burn everything down. Not only has he wanted to give his opinion on TardeAR, but he has not hesitated when it comes to talking about the people who have disappointed him over time. Among others, Paz Padilla. “I got along very well with her, and working we got along,” he said. However, it all ended: “Our mood broke.”

“Now I don’t have any relationship with her and I wouldn’t want to have one. It’s been a long time, I think we understood each other very well and we got along well at work. Then, there was an episode, three months after that, that disenchanted me. She believed that I am part of their enemies and it is not true,” he stated emphatically.

But if something has really hurt Valldeperas, it is the treatment that he and his program have received from the new Mediaset leadership. ‘”It was a coup d’état. That was the planned roadmap, but it was a coup d’état and they executed it (…) The end of Sálvame responds to a change in editorial line. Sálvame did not respond to the expectations of the new direction, they didn’t want an uncomfortable or hooligan program…”, he assured.