We strive to find our ideal facial care routine, with the most suitable cosmetics and active ingredients that best suit us. We invest time and money in creating an arsenal of cosmetics that combat the imperfections of our skin and give us a long-awaited good-looking effect.

But sometimes you find that, after applying a serum, moisturizer or makeup base, the product forms a kind of balls or pellets on your skin, similar to the particles that come off when using an eraser. In addition to being annoying and unsightly, it often leads to a loss of effectiveness of the product itself. The truth is that there are many reasons why this happens, which we detail below.

As surprising as it may seem, it may happen that the cosmetic you are applying is poorly formulated or of poor quality and that causes that pilling effect. Perhaps it is because the solvent evaporates very quickly without having properly fixed to the skin, or that some ingredients in the cosmetic break the gel necessary for it to emulsify correctly with our dermis.

Another possible reason is that you are applying a product that is not suitable for your skin’s needs. For example, an excessively moisturizing formula that oily skin cannot absorb; or so light that it does not sufficiently nourish dry skin. Or perhaps it is too aggressive for sensitive skin. That is why it is important to always find the ideal cosmetics based on your skin type.

Cosmetics also have an expiration date, they lose properties and deteriorate over time. If it has expired its useful life, or has been contaminated by contact with air or bacteria, it may not be in good condition and it is time to throw it away. Some cosmetics even change texture, color or smell, giving you the clue that they are spoiled.

You should know that some ingredients and active ingredients are incompatible with each other, canceling their effects or even being harmful to your skin if you combine them. Make sure that your facial care routine is well planned and that all products are well tolerated, otherwise your complexion will look bad.

An excessive amount of product that is not absorbed well can also cause this problem with pellets. The same thing happens if you don’t apply it correctly – for example, if you handle it too much, apply it in the wrong order or on the wrong areas of the face – and, finally, there are cosmetics that you should allow to be completely absorbed before moving on to the next step. Of the routine.