The actor Juan José Ballesta, known especially for his leading role at just 13 years old in the 2000 film El Bola, is once again in the eye of the hurricane. Recent times have been somewhat turbulent for the interpreter, since he has suffered all kinds of mishaps, such as the threats he made to a team from the television program Fiesta.

This time, it is harsh accusations that have brought Juanjo Ballesta’s name back to the public scene. As exclusively reported by the Telecinco program TardeAR, the actor was accused of sexual assault by a former friend of his, whom he had known since childhood.

The events reported by the woman, who is now 47 years old, would have taken place last July in the Madrid town of Parla. It was after a night of partying when, allegedly, both were next to an ATM and Ballesta put her hand into the woman’s underwear.

“Then he performs different touches on her, all during a night of partying, debauchery and drug consumption,” they report from TardeAR, where they have also highlighted that both the actor and the complainant “were old acquaintances.”

According to the complaint to which the Telecinco program has had access, both were old childhood friends and, in addition, were neighbors for a good part of their lives. These serious accusations will lead Juanjo Ballesta to appear in a few months in a court in the same town where the events would have taken place.

“Now the actor has to appear in the Investigative Court No. 4 of Parla on November 7 as an investigator,” says the piece broadcast on TardeAR, which adds that his is “a life like a movie that can end with an ending.” tragic”.