The Department of Research and Research of the Catalan Generalitat has increased by 62% the aid allocated to projects to improve teaching quality in the field of gender violence, going from 79,919.05 euros in the previous call to an endowment of 130,000 euros.

As reported by the department in a statement, the maximum amount that each selected project can receive will be 12,000 euros, a third more than last year, and can be executed during a period of 18 months, four months more than in the previous call. .

Until next October 31, universities, public or private research centers, hospital foundations and “unique” scientific and technical infrastructures based in Catalonia will be able to submit their proposals to be eligible to receive aid.

The purpose of these grants is to promote innovation in strategies, methodologies and teaching resources on gender violence, through active teaching techniques, new curricula in digital skills and the use of online pedagogies.

The bases prioritize multidisciplinary projects and collaboration between groups and entities of the Catalan knowledge system or the international sphere, as well as those that have a strategy of dissemination and transparency of the results.

Regarding work methodologies, techniques that reinforce spaces for collaboration and knowledge exchange, such as discussion groups or ‘hackatons’, among others, will be valued.

The proposals presented must also be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations, and respect the general framework for the incorporation of the gender perspective in university teaching established by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia.