The prosecution has requested five years in prison for the five young protesters accused of burning containers at a protest in Barcelona in September 2020.

The trial took place this Tuesday in the Barcelona Court and it was the public ministry that requested three years for the five involved for a crime of public disorder and another two for damages.

The accusation document details that the incident took place in the city of Barcelona in a demonstration not reported by the CDR to protest against the disqualification of the then president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra.

The prosecution’s version maintains that two of the accused burned a container in the Sant Pere ring road around 10:30 p.m., while the other three did the same with a container located in an area between Bruc and Ausiàs March streets.

For its part, the defense of the accused has requested free acquittal for the five young people, contrasting the prosecution’s version with that supported by the testimonies of the Mossos d’Esquadra agents, with recordings from the police force itself recorded a few minutes after the arrests that reflect that this urban furniture was unburned.

Furthermore, the defense has detailed that, during the previous questions, the prosecution has tried to present a new indictment that would better support the crime of public disorder, something that the court has rejected, alleging defenselessness after prior deliberation.