In Spain, more than half of the unemployed over 50 years of age have been unemployed for more than a year. According to the employers’ association of temporary employment companies and employment agencies, Asempleo, 54.9% of the long-term unemployed in our country are between 50 and 54 years old and the majority of unemployed have been unemployed for more than a year. looking for a job increases as the age range increases.

This not only represents a problem from the point of view of the economic resources and professional careers of older adults, but also aggravates their well-being, self-esteem and mental health, also increasing their isolation and discrimination in society.

Furthermore, Asempleo highlights that the situation is “doubly dangerous”, because in addition to being unemployed in a labor market with serious incorporation difficulties, it must also be taken into account that they are in their last stage of contributions for the retirement. This context is already called the phone-off syndrome, which affects older unemployed professionals.

Senior workers are especially exposed to the phone off syndrome, as highlighted by Generación SAVIA, a project of the Endesa Foundation in collaboration with the Máshumano Foundation. Óscar Fajardo, a collaborator on the project, defines the off-phone syndrome as “the stress experienced by individuals who are actively searching for employment and how they cope with the lack of response to job applications sent.”

The expert points out that in today’s society “the disappearance of the job also implies the disappearance of one of the most important axes on which the person bases his or her identity.” “The consequence is the loss of a clear position in the world, the blockage due to not being clear about where to go,” he adds.

Likewise, it focuses on the fact that the phone off syndrome can affect people’s self-esteem and have psychological effects, such as suffering from anxiety and depression, a decrease in self-esteem and self-confidence, greater social isolation and loss of sense of self. identity.

To deal with the phone off syndrome and the job search in the senior stage, Generación SAVIA recommends maintaining a daily routine that provides structure to the day and helps maintain motivation. Also seek social support and avoid isolation. Setting realistic goals in your job search is another important pillar. And, finally, it is essential to take care of your emotional well-being and even seek professional help if necessary.